By now if you’ve been snooping around beauty products for quite a bit, you’ve heard the buzzwords paraben-free and sulfate-free. Let’s start off with what those two chemicals are, let’s begin with paraben between the two choices. Now why do READ MORE
Congratulations, you finally kicked the habit and quit smoking, I cannot say enough words to praise the effort and work you’ve done to get back onto the healthy lifestyle road. I know you’ve climbed quite a hurdle and continue to READ MORE
Eating disorders are something that quite a few people have to face against and among them there is a binge eating disorder that can be a lot of danger for people, sadly it isn’t something that gets enough coverage in READ MORE
Being a vegan can be as easy and as difficult as you make it to be, admittedly it can be easier for some and a bit more difficult for others. The only thing you can be sure of is if READ MORE
Beauty is quite a thing, the pursuit of beauty has been an obsession to many, a gift to others, a curse for many more and the bane of countless others. However, poetic introduction aside, many people do turn to beauty READ MORE
A lot of people, admittedly even myself, often mix up natural deodorant and antiperspirant, which is usually bundled up together and again I am not afraid to admit that I thought about them as interchangeable names for each other. After READ MORE
Do you remember the times when you were younger and your parents would continually bug you about going outside, get some sun or things like that? Turns out, like most cases I’ve learned over the years, that our parents were READ MORE
You have finally shaken that crutch and you have quit smoking, you have high hopes that your new healthy lifestyle outlook will stick and you plan to get back in shape while the iron is still hot. Let me first READ MORE
Hemp products have been in the limelight for the past few years and quite frankly, it has been getting some strange stares here and there. Hemp is a known term for the cannabis drug known as marijuana, which is often READ MORE
Smoking and cancer go hand in hand, pretty much anyone knows that, but it still seems some additional information needs to be shared. I am sure you’ve heard or seen the anti smoking campaigns all over the place, ironically even READ MORE