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What Meditation Does To Your Brain

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Health, Wellness | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

I’m fairly certain that you have heard of someone who enjoys meditating and it has peaked your curiosity, which is pretty great. As some or most of you know, I am a follower of meditation and I really do recommend it to whoever asks, it is a great way to relax and recollect yourself after a hard days work. Additionally this practice goes hand in hand with yoga, which is a wonderful way to really get the blood going and settling the mind down, it’s such an alleviating experience and I would love it if people could experience it as well. Now the question is what happens to us really when you go into meditation, and today I am here to share with you the wonderful things that occur in your mind when you take a moment to meditate on a regular basis.

Technology has opened the doors to really study what happens to our brains during meditation and you’d be really surprised at how effective it can be to really allow you to take stock of what is happening in your life.

An MRI scan during meditation shows that the brain’s activity has a noticeable decrease in beta waves, which is the signal that the brain is processing or is active. During meditation however, the beta waves are much less active, showing that the brain is more at rest during the exercise.  What exactly does that mean for us?

Let me give you a head’s up, there are quite a few effects that were found after various studies on meditation and to be frank I am astounded as to how amazing the findings were. Let’s not dally on the what ifs and let’s dive in immediately into the effects of it on our brains.

First off you’ll be in better position to relax, this is why a lot of people want to step back from their work desk and take a second or two to refocus through a quick bout of meditation. When it has less beta waves it allows you to just relax if even for a little bit before you have to get back to what you need to do.

meditation increases creativity

Meditation increases creativity, so whether you are good in the kitchen or pitching in reports to your boss, a dedicated time to relax and meditate is a must to boost your creative juices.

Second, it allows you to focus on what you need to really concentrate on. When you aren’t bothered by other thoughts, which will happen when you go through a prime meditation session, you can finally focus on what you need to do without any background noise. Doing regular sessions of meditation makes the time of focus last longer and longer as you keep at it, try it while doing yoga and you’ll see how effective it is in the long run.

Third, it decreases anxiety, when things cause you some concern and anxiety is rising, it is best to step back and do some meditation. Studies show that regular meditation sessions decreases the size of your amygdala, which is in charge for your fight or flight response, pretty much gives off the fearful and anxious emotions. So by regular sessions of meditation, you will be sure to reduce anxiety and fear, simply by taking the time to breath in and relax. That’s a pretty awesome add on if anyone asks me.

Fourth, the decreased amygdala also paves the way for something that a lot of people would want, increased strength in attention. A lot of people tend to drift off when topics lose their interest, however with regular meditation you can pretty much say hello to enhanced focus and attention that you can use on a daily basis.

Fifth, one of the found results of regular meditation is the reduction of quick judgment. Being able to step back and relax is a superb practice, it really allows you to avoid rash decisions, think things through and be able to come up with the ideal answer to whatever the problem arises. I’m sure a lot of people can benefit from having this newfound ability that stems from meditation.

Sixth, studies have shown that there is a possibility of increased creativity. While the aspect of creativity is a little difficult to measure, there have been signs of increased abilities for new ideas however being completely truthful, measuring it is kind of insurmountable and can be negated immediately. To tell you the truth as someone who considers herself as a creative person, this was one of the ideas that really attracted me however I cannot say this is an actual effect since it cannot be quantified, in the mean time let’s say that this can be included in our imagination for now. Besides, I came up with some great articles as I do some meditation while I am in the middle of a yoga session, so I really am leaning towards meditation leading to more creativity, but that’s personal bias, I’ll let you be the judge after you try it.

Seventh, as another study progressed they went and tested the compassion of those who underwent meditation and those who did not. It was apparent from reactions that those who do regular meditation experienced higher compassion when exposed to disturbing images. While you are in a relaxed state you are more likely to feel compassion for other people given various scenarios, this does make more sense considering your mind is more available and understanding after a meditation session.

Meditation for lesser stress

While stress is inevitable in our life, there is this thing called eustress which is the positive side of it. Meditation helps clear the mind and helps us give a better, optimistic outlook on things.

Eighth in line is better memory. Another study concludes that those who have undergone regular meditation have better recall than those who have not. Given how clear your mind is and how much easier it is to focus, it does stand to reason that this would be a byproduct of regular meditation. I have noticed that after a yoga session and while I can relax, I tend to remember more things on my to-do list, coincidence? Perhaps not after all.

Ninth, people who meditate, are less stressed. Well considering that meditation usually leads you to relax, I can see how this study was able to conclude this result but it is good to know there are studies who continue to confirm what a lot of people who do yoga or meditate already know: if you want to relax, meditate. There is something about meditation that just really calms the nerves down and the results are all but magical in my opinion, however I cannot be the only one who voices this opinion. Give meditation a try and you will see how much it reduces your stress.

As you can see the studies have been rather conclusive: meditation is something that can really help a lot of people. Whether you do yoga or just want to relax, there is no harm in taking the time to learn how to meditate. I am a very strong supporter of meditation however in the end my words are nothing but words, these studies are the same as well, the only way you will ever be convinced as to how wonderful and life-changing meditation is, is but to give it a try. You’ll see that your world will change after a few regular moments of meditation, you won’t be sorry at the very least. Stay healthy!

10 Ways To Reduce Stress

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Health, Wellness | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Stress is something everyone lives with everyday, whether you get the bulk of your stress from work, from family problems, from school or whatever it may be, stress is just something we need to deal with. That might be true however it does not mean that we can’t think of creative ways to reduce stress or at the very least make it work for you. After all if you keep letting stress build up, it can lead to a lot of health problems and just like everyone else, I’m sure you want to be on the road towards a healthy lifestyle, so let me share with you some of my favorite ways to reduce stress.

1.Listen to music or an e-book – Take the time to catch up on your e-books or your music when you are stressed. Say there is an e-book you’ve been meaning to sit down and listen to, make stress work for you and allow yourself the time to listen to it. On the other hand listening to music really calms people down and is one of the best ways to reduce stress.

2.Meditate – Take the time to meditate and allow yourself to refocus on what is important. Meditating really gets me through a lot of moments where stress seems like it will swallow me up, I take a moment and sit quietly, maybe do a little yoga, this is what really works for me among the many ways to reduce stress. Additionally if you pair this up with doing yoga, you’ll get some exercise in and that way you can make stress work for you leading you to a healthy lifestyle.

movie marathons at home

Watch funny movies even just at home. A good laugh is always good for your mind and body.


3.Watch a funny movie – Laughing seriously reduces stress like crazy and when you seem like you are at boiling point, you’ll want to get to watch a movie and laugh it all off. In ways to reduce stress, I really like this one as it gives me time to watch some movies I missed out on and if you do this too, you can make stress work for you too. Or if there isn’t anything new out, just watch one of your favorite funny flicks, come on, I know you have a copy of it or at the very least saved the movie somewhere, switch it on, relax and let the laughter remove as much stress as it can from your body.

4.Drink some teaTea has an amazing calming effect and when you feel as though you’ve reached your most stressful state, boil a cup of tea. A cup of tea is one of the great ways to reduce stress, especially considering there are so many different teas to drink you’ll have a grand time of choosing your favorite.

5.Exercise – Yes exercise, when all seems too stressful, get your running shoes on and go out the door. It will give you time to reflect and recollect yourself, bringing down the stress levels to a more manageable level. Still stuck in the office? No problem, get off your desk and do some stretches, it will really do a lot of help and will calm you down, plus in ways to reduce stress, this one gets your adrenaline going a little which will also help you to make the stress work for you.

6.Take a nap – Nothing refreshes quite like a nap and when you have the opportunity to do so, go for it in my opinion. In the ways to reduce stress, nothing is as satisfying as a nap to really calm the nerves. When you wake up you’ll be in a better position to face the thing that was stressing you out and you can move forward and make the stress work for you.

7.Pick up a hobby – When you are up against a wall and you need some ways to reduces stress, picking up a hobby may work the best for you. Pretty much anyone with a healthy lifestyle has a hobby or two. You can start off with building models, maybe sewing, writing is a great outlet for a ton of people, all that matters is you find something you enjoy and you do it when you are stressed out. You’d be surprised at how much this will alleviate your stress levels.

8.Plan a vacation – This is one my favorite ways to reduce stress because well – vacation! Just simply saying the word already brings a smile to my face and planning where to go, who to go with and what to do, just makes me swoon. When you are getting really stressed out, look towards the calendar and remember that your vacation is just around the corner where you can relax whether it be on the mountains, on the beach, maybe some exotic destination, the sky is the limit and enjoying the possibilities is a great way to make stress work for you, plus you can’t have a healthy lifestyle if you can’t enjoy a vacation or two.

9.Get a massage – Come on you know you deserve it. This is one of the most defining ways to reduce stress. There’s something about a nice hour-long massage that just really washes away the stress and fatigue. And if you are in the spa already, take the time to get a lovely soak in the Jacuzzi or steam room, this will remove even more stress (not to mention toxins!) from your body as you get along through your day. It is definitely something you can look forward to as a mini vacation or such.

vacation to relieve stress

Plan a trip and get in touch with nature. Find that spot where you can breathe in fresh air and calm your senses.

10.Enjoy your time with some friends and family – There is just something magical in surrounding yourself with friends and family, even just one friend is more than enough sometimes.  All that matters is you sit down together, enjoy a great talk and maybe do something that makes you both or all happy. I personally love having a meal with family, the relaxation you get from preparing a meal for everyone and the laughs that come with it are pretty special, plus if you really want to make stress work for you, use it as a motivation to try new recipes that your friends and family will love. Just remember to try to keep it within the healthy lifestyle recipe, as you don’t want to binge eat on something bad for you, even if you are enjoying the time with family.

As you can see these are 10 ways to reduce stress and they are some great stress relievers let me tell you. We do have to live with stress, that’s pretty much a given thing. However, it doesn’t mean we give up, heck no! We make the stress work for ourselves and continue towards our path of healthy living, grab that stress by the toes and show it who is boss. After all no one can better reduce your stress than you, so take the time and find the best ways to reduce stress for you, it will be life saving, I guarantee it. Stay healthy!

The Health Benefits Of Tea

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Food | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Just in case you weren’t aware of it, tea is awesome for you, not only is a soothing drink suited for any situation, but the health benefits of tea is nothing to sneeze at. As you all know I am a rather outspoken fan of green tea and how the antioxidants are just great for the body, but did you know that depending on the type of herbal tea you drink, it can just about sooth any ailment you may have bothering you? Yes love, tea does not end at green tea, oh no, there are so many versions of tea that you’d be surprised you haven’t tried before and the fact that the health benefits of tea extend further than antioxidants is just mind blowing. I’m here to share with you the herbal tea mixes that will pretty much help you sooth any ailment you need support with.

Green tea – Of course I will start with this one, but for those who don’t know the health benefits of tea, this tea in particular, this is one of the good ones. Not only is it rich in antioxidants, it reduces bad cholesterol while promoting healthy cell growth, wow! As herbal tea goes, which is a great way to start off wouldn’t you agree? Hey, this one’s on this list for fat burning too!

Black tea – The health benefits of tea goes even further with black tea, the lesser known version of the herbal tea is known to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes, which is a good reason to start drinking it right away. Additionally to sooth any ailment you may have, it regulates blood sugar level and has an anti-inflammatory property that could be of use to a lot of people. These are some great reasons to really start the tea habit, plus the health benefits of tea really does have a wide range, you can pick and choose which one you need.

black tea

Black tea is best known to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Oolong tea – If you are looking for assistance to handle your weight and get that nice glow on your skin, this is the tea that will sooth any ailment or issues for either. The health benefits of tea, particularly oolong tea, is said to really help people with weight issues and have some skin conditions that are in need of attention. Besides, a nice cup of oolong tea after a hearty meal sounds wonderful to me.

White tea – The supposed upgraded version of green tea, white tea has even more antioxidants, can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, while being antibacterial and to top it all off – it is low in caffeine. I’m not sure what more you could ask for in health benefits of tea. Additionally as things go, lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure will surely sooth any ailment you may have, so why aren’t you drinking a cup of this wonderful tea?

Peppermint tea – This minty gem is a wonderful way to really treat your colds, plus it gives you the benefit of being a suppressant for appetites as well, let’s not forget that it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help sooth any ailment you may have. Given these health benefits of tea, I like to keep a bag or two ready in my cupboard just in case I ever need to go on a diet or fast. The pleasant peppermint aroma is just simply breathtaking.

Stinging nettle tea – This one is quickly catching on to the scene, given the health benefits of tea, this is definitely something that a lot of people love to drink during spring. It is known as a remedy for seasonal allergies, gives your energy a quick boost and it is known for treating arthritis. Now isn’t that an awesome cup of goodness?

Dried ginger tea – Motion sickness keeping you down? Then this tea is the perfect one to sooth any ailment that motion sickness comes with. This wonderful cup of herbal tea not only helps you defeat queasiness, but also has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties as well. As health benefits of tea goes, I’m fairly sure this covers a broad spectrum of ailments and problems one needs support with.

Chamomile tea – When you are having trouble sleeping, this is the herbal tea that you would want. Take a cup before bed and allow the soothing flavor help you go to sleep, oh and if you have any stomachaches make sure to pick up a few bags of this herbal tea as well. As health benefits of tea goes, this one will definitely help a lot of people with minor insomnia.

Hibiscus tea – There are quite a few people who do not use the toilet regularly but if they drank a cup of hibiscus tea on a daily basis, they won’t have this problem anymore. The health benefits of tea ranges quite a bit and hibiscus is one that is a natural diuretic in fact, coupled with lowering blood pressure and giving you a plethora of vitamins, this herbal tea is one that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Red clover tea – Now this one has interesting health benefits of tea, as it reduces the prostate-specific antigens while for the fairer sex as they say, lessens menopausal symptoms. Adding to these benefits, this herbal tea also helps protect against cardiovascular disease. Now that is a broad way to sooth your ailments, wouldn’t you agree?

Dandelion tea – Well I know you are quite surprised with this one, if you aren’t a regular tea drinker, this herbal tea will definitely catch you off guard. But don’t discount the health benefits of tea, especially this one as it can stimulate your digestion, lessens hot flashes plus combats the formation of kidney stones. Wow, that’s quite a list huh? But it doesn’t end there, this herbal tea can be used to treat hepatitis, jaundice and dyspepsia. 

Lemon tea for colds

Lemon tea is best taken when fighting a common cold.

Lemon balm tea – Got the common cold or other respiratory problems? Then take a cup of lemon balm tea in order to sooth any ailment that comes with the common cold. This superb cup of herbal tea helps calm people down while alleviating any digestive discomforts they may have. Additionally if you have a headache or a toothache then you have the perfect cup of tea in your hands. Given the health benefits of tea, it is becoming more and more apparent that you should stock several types of tea for various problems.

As you can see the health benefits of tea are quite expansive and have a few combinations that would be perfect to sooth any ailment you or your loved one has. Of course these types of herbal tea are made to support or help you, but curing might be something different, as the saying goes if symptoms persist, it is time to check with your doctor. Personally I keep a box of these magnificent teas in my kitchen to make sure that I can enjoy a cup of whatever I feel like from time to time, plus if I ever have a headache or any other discomfort, I have a helping hand. Happy drinking and stay healthy!

5 Keys To Kill Your Cellulite

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Fitness | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Cellulite, just saying the word gives me shivers and as well as it should, after all cellulite is the persistent subcutaneous fat causing dimples in the skin, sadly this is something often found in women’s thighs. On that point we should make getting rid of cellulite one of the must dos for your daily fitness routines. And I am here to share ways to kill your cellulite, 5 ways in fact and hopefully we can find a way to get rid of that fat together.

Exercise – Although this should be at the top of your list, I don’t think we should discount mentioning it in your fight to kill your cellulite. As you all know I’m a vehement and powerful advocate of exercise, it solves a lot of problems and keeps our tickers going, it burns the food we eat and keeps us looking great, what’s not to love? Of course since it burns food, it burns fat and what is it you need to kill your cellulite? Oh yeah, burn fat! This is the must do and non-negotiable tip that is needed to get that super beach body you are after. Additionally there are a ton of exercises that target cellulite particularly so make sure to include them in your fitness routines. And if you want to, you can cut down on a little thigh fat too. Nothing wrong with wanting to get a bit more fat off your body since you are already in the process of wanting to kill your cellulite.

stairs to kill cellulite

Take the stairs whenever you have the chance to. Your body will thank you for it!

Drink enough water – If I could sing more praises about drinking water, I would and lo and behold: it helps you kill your cellulite. Drinking water keeps the skin healthy and helps get rid of toxins in your body. Cellulite has the exact opposite effect on your beach body; it stores toxins and shows off unhealthy skin. Needless to say getting your daily dose of H20 pretty much helps you battle the fatty cellulite cells and helps you process the toxins in the body, leaving it unarmed in your battle to kill your cellulite. Don’t like plain water? As strange as that sounds, fine then, go for vitamin-enriched water such as lemon water or other viands that might be of interest, not only does it increase the vitamin intake for various fitness routines; drinking flavored water also tastes pretty great.

Stair queen – In your journey to kill your cellulite, the stairs are the armed forces that are ready to support you at any time. While exercise is great and should be done on a regular basis in order to get that beach body you are targeting, the stairs are a great supplement and support that are just waiting to be used. By simply going up several fights of stairs you tend to use up a lot of your lower body muscles from various angles, which will eventually increase muscle tissue leaving less space for cellulite to store it’s nasty toxins on your body. Whenever you are in the office and you have the option to take the stairs, do so; it will only augment your regular fitness routines plus keeping you on top of the battle to kill your cellulite. I don’t know how much more information or hints you need but take the stairs, it will be great for you in the long run.

Balance the diet – Eating processed food is already a bad thing for you, if you’ve read my other blog posts you know what I am talking about but even if you haven’t you know deep down inside that the fast food burger joint you usually go to can’t be good for you. And alas my dear friends, you are correct, processed foods not only deprive you of vitamins that you sorely need in order to function properly but it introduces so much unwanted fats into your system. Now what you need are stuff that is good for you, things with protein so you can build you muscles properly and achieve beach body targets as much as possible. Additionally if you aren’t on the vegan diet, I would suggest getting as much oily fish as possible as the omega-3 fatty acids can really do wonders for you plus the other vitamins are essential to tone your body during your fitness routines. There are so many better things that you can eat in order to improve your health plus they are quite delicious, and they fight along with you to kill your cellulite. Take the time to plan out your meals and come up with healthier alternatives in order to fully take charge of your fight to kill your cellulite.

products to kill cellulite

While fitness routines would be a ton of help to get rid of cellulite, products (search for organic ones!) that are great fixer-uppers are also recommended to improve your skin.

Go for the extra help – When all is said and done, there is no shame in getting skin care products to help you kill your cellulite as time passes forward. There are skin brushes or massagers with the specific job of targeting trouble spots that cellulite usually finds, take the time on your daily routine to massage the trouble areas and get a foot up on your battle to kill your cellulite. Additionally there are a ton of exfoliators available to the general masses to further assist you to get that beach body that you have been dreaming of, besides when you are on the beach the last thing you really want to worry about is cellulite so make sure to grab an exfoliator that you think works best for you. Of course there are skin serums that help firm up your skin that are also great and available in the market, why not take the time to go to the store and see what works well. Make sure to keep it all in check however as most of these are supporting items to help you get along, but you can’t depend on them solely as nothing can substitute regular fitness routines and proper diet, augmented with the other tips you have on this list. So even though there are supporting products that will help you kill your cellulite, make sure to still do you part in the battle otherwise it is a lost cause.

Cellulite is a difficult challenge for everyone but as you can see there are ways to battle it and give you the edge to kill your it. Take the necessary changes to your regular fitness routines plus add a good and steady diet that will balance out well with your workout plans and you can pretty much say goodbye to the cellulite in your body and say hello to that beach body you’ve been wanting. The only way cellulite will find its way into your body and stay there is if you refuse to do anything and allow it to, so take charge and kick it out today! Stay healthy!

Top Indoor Cardio Workouts

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Fitness | Tagged , | Leave a comment

I understand that not everyone can steal away for a love affair with the open road or even a tryst with the gym, and while that is truly a shame, we can’t let these challenges stop you from getting into shape now can we? I am glad to share with you some cardio exercises at home that will pretty much work out for any workout routine you may have in mind. Now remember these are fairly intense cardio workouts that you can pretty much tame down but as you know: no pain, no gain.

Running pyramid – This is one of the awesome cardio exercises at home that you can do pretty much anywhere. To start the workout routine, just stand in place and take two steps while swinging both arms in a natural swing, after the second step hold your knee in place and stop for a second. Return to starting position and now do three steps and then pause for a second once more while your knee is as parallel to the floor as you can get it. Keep doing this as you add more steps and you’ll get a good sweat going in no time. This can become one of the rather intense cardio workouts that can be done at home and is really effective.

lizard hop as home cardio workout

Lizard hop stays on the list as one of the best cardio exercises at home.

Lizard hop – Start off in an upward push up position where you have your hands extended and you are as far from the ground as possible, keep your feet together for this one if you can. Now slowly move your left leg forward while keeping your right leg and arms where they are. The left leg should ideally reach as far as your left arm, of course you will bend your knee so you won’t fall. Hold the position for a second or two and return to starting position once more. Repeat with the other leg, wash and repeat. As cardio exercises at home go, this is a great way to start a good sweat, you’ll start to feel the intensity of the workout routine the longer you do it.

Power squat – This is cardio workout is intense if you really get serious with this one. First keep both hands in front of you, shoulder length apart and spread your legs as far as you can get them while bending your knees. Alright I think you are already feeling the burn, now bring both legs closer together, about shoulder length while maintaining your bent knees, hold for a second or two. Next up keep your feet as close as possible while of course still keeping knees bent, hold for a second or two. Slowly go back to the starting position and do it all over again. As one of the cardio exercises at home, this can get a good sweat going in no time, so feel free to keep doing it until you are tired.

Tuck jump – As one of the more intense cardio exercises at home, make sure to do this carefully until you are comfortable to do it regularly. Start off with standing with your feet apart, about as far as your hips, keep both hands at your sides and bend your knees ever so slightly. Now jump! As you jump bring your knees up and use your hands to slap your kneecaps before landing and returning to starting position. As you can tell this is one of the intense cardio workouts that can definitely get you the weight loss you are looking for. Just be careful as you might hurt yourself with this workout routine if you don’t land properly.

Side shuffle and kick – Again as a lot of cardio exercises at home start, bend your knees slightly and keep your feet apart about the length of your hips. After that shuffle to your left side a few steps, make sure not to slip, and in a few steps slowly lift your left leg and kick the air to the left. Shuffle to the right and kick to the right. Keep doing this to really get your sweat on as you keep enduring one of the more intense cardio workouts available at home.

The “55” Workout – This is an interesting take in one of the rather intense cardio workouts available, remember don’t force it if you can’t do it immediately. Start off in a standing position and do 1 squat, simply bend your knees and move both hands in front of you, shoulder length apart. After that hit the mat and do 10 reps of pushups. After the pushups go back to starting position and rest for 10 – 20 seconds. Now do 2 squats and 9 pushups, then rest again. Keep doing this until you reach 10 squats and 1 pushup. By then you will be sweating bullets and have a rather satisfied smile on your face. As cardio exercises at home go, this is one that will definitely get the fats burning and the sweat a rolling.

Burpees – As one of the staples of cardio exercises at home, this is definitely a good one that is pretty hard to remove from any workout routine. Simply stand straight, now jump in place as high as you can while reaching as far as your hands can upwards. Upon landing immediately crouch, while touching both hands on the floor, kick your feet out to a push up position and do 1 push up and get back to the crouching position, stand while doing a squat and repeat all the way again. If you aren’t sweating yet keep doing it and you will, trust me on that.

Knee highs – Make sure that you have a little space for this one, and if you have been looking around for cardio exercises at home, this is a fairly simple one but is often mentioned. Simply run in place, make sure your hands are at the side and join in the motion, however what makes it tougher than usual running in place is that you need to lift your legs higher than usual, try to get it as high as your hips if you can. As intense cardio workouts go, this will get you tired quickly and make sure to do this for a few reps in order to really get a good sweat going.

indoor cardio workouts

Knowing even just a short list of indoor cardio routines are necessary especially when the gym may not be easily accessible — like when you travel.

Jumping jacks – Alright so this maybe one of the simpler cardio exercises at home but if you do it correctly this workout routine will definitely get you sweating quite a bit. Stand straight with your hands to the side and your legs together, now jump and spread your legs as far as you can while swinging your arms upwards, then return to starting position. Repeat and repeat until you are tired. This can become one of the most intense cardio workouts in your routine depending on how quickly and intensely you do this workout routine.

As you can see there are a number of options out there available to those who can’t get out of the office or house for various reasons, whether personal or due to weather but there is no excuse not to be able to get your cardio exercises at home. Pair it up with a proper diet and you’ll be losing weight in no time. Stay healthy!

Great Tips For New Runners

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Fitness | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Running is such a freeing workout, it really gives you time to meditate and enjoy as you workout. If you are looking into how to start running, then let me tell you, you’ve come to the right place. I am an avid fan of running and have been doing so for quite a few years now, while I am no certified runner I have some wonderful tips ready for those of you who want to learn how to start running.

Get proper equipment – When you’re beginning by researching how to start running, if you don’t find the tip of getting the right stuff on that list, you know something is up. There isn’t much you need for running but a good pair of shoes. Make sure not to skimp out on this and get a strong, comfortable and importantly sturdy pair. They will be your best friend on the road quite literally and they will help support you throughout the workout, so get a good pair before you get into running.

Start it off by walking – If you’ve been away from exercise for quite a while or maybe you’ve been injured recently, don’t start off running. Warm your body up for the long run by walking a bit around the block and what not, get used to getting into the exercise groove before you really get into how to start running. The walking workout will be good for you and it’s really a lovely way to break in new running shoes, plus you’ll be able to create a route or two that you would enjoy as you go about running, at least when you eventually start.

join groups to start running

Joining groups when you start running is enjoyable and can actually give motivation.Also, make new friends!

Take it slow – This is all new to you, if you haven’t been exercising and you are only learning how to start running, don’t suddenly go on a 50-mile run on your first day. It’s a process and it takes time for your body to get used to the workout, so maybe run around the block until you’re tired and then the next day, run an additional block. Know your limits and be realistic, the road isn’t going anywhere and you have all the time in the world to enjoy the run, so do just that and take the time to relax a little as you exercise and learn how to start running.

Look for a running group – By now wherever you are, either at work, school or even in your neighborhood, there are avid runners who are looking for more to join the group. They know the best routes, have some great tips as well on how to start running and they would love to teach you the ins and outs. Plus having a group to run with makes it a little easier to pass the time when you’re having fun with other people. You could end up making some really cool friends in this new workout of yours, so it’s a win-win situation.

Balance the meal – A lot of people start running in order to lose weight and I’ll tell you the results will show, it will take some time and it’s definitely not an overnight weight loss miracle but trust me it will show. Given that people tend to pair the running with an intense diet and forget that they need “fuel” while running and this is why a lot get tired much more quickly. It is important to balance your nutrition when you are running, especially at the start of the workout. This is all new to you and as you are still learning how to start running, the body is adjusting, don’t take away the “fuel” by denying the body proper nutrition otherwise you could injure yourself.

Make sure to be hydrated – Dehydration is no joke and can really injure whoever experiences it and as you workout you tend to lose a lot of electrolytes as you sweat, make sure you stay hydrated to avoid this. Among the things you really should learn about with regards to how to start running, staying hydrated is important and should stay near the top of your list. Tip: Lemon water is a great source of electrolytes.

Make sure to get enough rest – Nothing wreaks havoc more on a body than lack of rest, so make sure that it is definitely in your plans to get a full night’s rest otherwise you could hurt yourself. When you are learning how to start running, you will be doing a lot of trial and errors, but you shouldn’t do so without proper sleep. When you lack sleep your motor skills tend to be slower than usual and that is dangerous when you are running especially if your workout is predominantly on the street. Don’t take the risk and make sure you get a whole night’s worth of sleep.

Set targets and goals – When you are learning how to start running, it will be a contest of endurance and your will power. Give yourself a boost by placing some achievable goals on each run, keep it simple and challenging yet still very reachable otherwise you will just stress yourself out. Keep it as simple as: “Today, I will reach that lamppost at the end of 7th street,” or something like that. If you need mini rewards for that achievement I advise to go for it, but keep it real, don’t go overboard with the rewards either. Maybe something like if you have achieved your goal, you can go to your favorite yogurt shop at the end of the week and have a cup of nice treat. Don’t go nuts and buy yourself a full sized pizza though, you won’t be making much progress otherwise when you’re just beginning.

hydrate when you start running

Remember to keep yourself hydrated when you start running.

Mix your routine – A few people find running a little monotonous, I can understand why but I suggest to keep changing your view. Maybe update your route from time to time as you start, keep the background fresh and allow yourself some adventure time as you run around. How to start running tips are all good and useful but if you get bored of running it may all come to a screeching halt, so take the time to enjoy as you begin, it will only get better the further along you run.

Now that you’ve heard quite a few tips on how to start running, pretty much all that’s left is for you to warm up to it and start figuring out when to run on your busy schedule. This workout is one of the best simple routines I’ve ever had the joy of experiencing and if you follow the tips above on how to start running, you will start to really get into this routine soon too. Enjoy the road my friends, it will enjoy your company for sure. Stay healthy!

How To Maintain A Low Budget While Eating Vegan

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Food | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

I’ve noticed that quite a few people are concerned with their budget when it comes to following the vegan diet and I completely understand. There are a ton of great vegan recipes that do require some pretty hard to find ingredients but that doesn’t mean that all vegan meals are all expensive, in fact there are a lot that are very economical and easy to do. I also have some tips and tricks that I will share with you today as to how you can maintain a low budget while eating vegan, so don’t despair and enjoy the meal along with these tips.

Starches are your friend – To accompany most vegan meals, you usually have a starch or something that shouldn’t be overlooked. In fact in a ton of vegan recipes, the starch is the hero in it and let’s not stop there. Starches such as brown rice, several viands of pastas and breads, are pretty great and are expected to be bought in bulk, which makes it cheaper. Now here is even more great news for the starches, it keeps you full longer and quicker. Make use of starches in your vegan recipes and you will see that you will not only cut down on costs, you will still come out of the kitchen with stellar vegan meals.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are key – When the seasons roll around, there are always fruits and vegetables that are in season, which make them not only delicious but incredibly much more affordable than when they are out of season. There is nothing more sumptuous than vegan recipes making use of seasonal fruits and vegetables, plus with the price being lower given that it’s the right season, it fits into your budget and perfectly into your vegan meals as well.

know the seasoned fruits

It’s always good to know what fruits and vegetables are in season that would suit your budget.

A little elbow grease will help your budget – I know convenience is a very handy and alluring option, that’s why you end up buying canned stuff instead of doing it yourself. Well like I said go for the do it yourself my friend. All it takes is a trip to the store and you’ll notice that a pound of fresh beans is much cheaper than a can of beans. Additionally the fresh produce placed into your vegan recipes and vegan meals will really up the flavor, you’ll immediately notice the difference in both your palate and your wallet, I’m particularly pleased at how well that rhymed.

Beware the trends – There is quite a hype going around about being vegan and let me tell you it can be great, but it can also be costly to you. Make sure you watch out for these trends as they usually package in an eye catching and attractive way that you end up buying a pack or two of say kale chips or raw chocolate or much more. While they are great and work for a lot of vegan recipes, getting the simple packaged and natural unprocessed options, in my opinion, work even better in vegan meals.

Frozen if you must – Vegetables come in quite a frozen selection, in fact even some fruits come in that option now. While I usually advice going fresh, frozen doesn’t hurt that much either and you can’t really beat the prices that they offer. So if the budget is really pinching your wallet, check out the local store for the frozen option, you won’t regret adding those frozen peas into your vegan recipe for sure.

Organic if you can – Alright, so organic foods are a little expensive, this is probably why a lot of people think that becoming a vegan is expensive and I won’t lie to you, the prices of organic food can be a little high. However the freshness is nothing to sneeze at and I really appreciate it having no pesticides introduced at all. However if the budget is fighting your vegan recipes, no problem at all, you can get the non-organic but try to find ones with lowered pesticide usage or other such, you’re better having it in your vegan meals than be without them completely.

Brandless or branded, what’s the difference – When you’re in the store and you are stretching your buck, go for the generic brands rather than the popular ones. Take your time and allow yourself to check which works well with your vegan recipes but at the option of having little to no difference, go for the cheaper brand if at all possible. Most of the brands are usually more of glitz and glamour, but end of the day an asparagus is just another wonderful addition to your vegan meals regardless if it comes from a well known farm or a simple unknown one, so what is the difference right?

Explore the culinary stores all over – I don’t need to tell you that a lot of prices in each store differs, sometimes in small amounts, sometimes in larger amounts. You need to know where you can buy whatever you need at a reasonable price. All it takes is a little footwork and you’ll be scanning through stores you never realized were near you before, aside from the extra cardio from searching around, you’ll have some great new sources for ingredients for any vegan recipes you have at the ready.

Cash is still king – This tip works for even non-vegan people, I always suggest to anyone who wants to make sure they stay on budget is to shop with cash instead of credit or debit. Why you may ask? Simple, because when you are using a credit card or a debit card, you may feel as though you have an inexhaustible source of funds and that could just end up biting you in the proverbial booty. Budget properly by making it a cash purchase for the vegan recipes you have planned out for the week, this will make sure you stick to the budget.

plan your menu for the week

It is always best to plan your menu for the week so as to fit your budget. This also lessens the tendency of impulse buying.

Plan out the week – There is nothing that ruins a budget more than poor planning. I suggest taking the time to sit down and plan the vegan recipes you want to try out or if you’ve found some staples that work for you, then plan out your vegan meals for the entire week so that you can shop accordingly. Nothing helps a budget more than buying in bulk or sticking with what you have planned, it’s those sudden changes that could really hurt your wallet and if you are in need of a tighter and stricter budget, planning is your answer.

As you can see there are a lot of ways to pinch the penny here and there, plus these tips will definitely make sure that your vegan meals come with a reasonable price tag on the plate. Just make sure you don’t budget too much and forget to balance your nutrition, a hospital trip is far more expensive than any meal you can come up with, let me tell you that. Additionally keep searching for the perfect vegan recipes for you and I’m sure you’ll find several that are affordable and super delicious, even ones you can have on the goStay healthy!

Things Not To Do When Going Vegan

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Food, Wellness | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

I’m glad that you’ve decided to become a vegan, it is by far one of the most satisfying and fulfilling things that I have ever done in my life and when all things are said and done, it is something I highly recommend to everyone. However if you have been researching veganism or how to become one, I’m sure one way or another you must have stumbled on negative feedback or information, that can’t be avoided as there may be a lack of information for a lot of people who want to turn to the healthy lifestyle. And I am happy to share with everyone today the things not to do when going vegan in order to make sure that we can spread the choice of having this lifestyle to a lot more people, after all this clean eating habit is something we want more and more people to join in on.

Don’t be ready to sing the praises just yet – While I know you want to share your experience as a vegan right away, don’t go preaching just yet. You just turned to the path of clean eating and a healthy lifestyle, there could be more downs than ups. A lot of people fall off the vegan wagon as soon as they get on, and if a lot of people start chiding you, it could get discouraging. So that’s why on things not to do when going vegan, this is maybe one of the more important tips. Choosing to become vegan is easier for some while it is difficult for others, you want as much support as possible when making this amazing life choice.

Don’t be rude when declining meals – A lot of people are resistant to change, some more so than others, when you decided to go with the healthy lifestyle sometimes you can have some heavy naysayers around you and you don’t want to give them reason to dissuade you. It’s especially strange for them should you turn your nose up at a meat that you were eating up until a week ago. Be polite and gently decline, saying that while the meal looks great and it makes it all the more difficult to choose the clean eating choice, you will have to respectfully refuse the tasty plate. Again you want a lot of people, especially people you are around often to be on your corner when you are choosing the healthy lifestyle, don’t spurn them by becoming a snob. That is definitely one of the things not to do when going vegan.

Don't be rude in declining non-vegan meals

While it is inevitable that you get invited non-vegan meals like in family gatherings or parties, never be rude in declining it. Say it politely and don’t rub in your new clean eating habit on other people.

Don’t stop the food adventure – Whatever you do, on your list of things not to do when going vegan, make sure you don’t get complacent and stick with a salad every, single time. The clean eating habit has so much more to offer and there are a ton of great recipes out there that are just simply delicious. Explore, venture and try, try and try some more! The healthy lifestyle is not a crutch as a lot of people seem to think so when they hear the whole vegan lifestyle and even the vegetarian life, it’s a choice and a great decision at that. Keep your delectable adventures going by finding foods that agree with your new healthy lifestyle.

Don’t stop cooking – Unless you are going the extreme raw vegan diet, which even I will admit is definitely not for everyone, some people tend to think that just because you become vegan, you no longer need to cook. Again the salad is a great meal altogether, but the culinary adventures of a vegan doesn’t end at just that. As a long time vegan, I can tell you I have a ton of recipes that are just scrumptious and there are loads more, the sky is the limit here.

Don’t leave the house without a vegan friendly snack – When you’re hungry you tend to make poor snack choices and this can be the crack in the armor that just shatters your vegan goals. The clean eating habit is a little tough to do at the beginning, it’s a great adjustment for some while a small one for others, however until you can find places that cater to your new dietary needs, it is ideal to always be armed with healthy lifestyle snacks whenever hunger strikes. In fact if you can, leave the house with prepared meals to make it easier for you to transition until you have the hang of things. Going out with the new clean eating habit without anything, one of the things not to do when going vegan

Don’t forget to research – Changing diets is a big problem for those who have not done enough research. You need to find new sources of protein, vitamins and much more however daunting as that may sound, if you have armed yourself before hand and went about researching the healthy lifestyle then you shouldn’t be too worried. Before making this amazing life choice, it is always best to keep all the information on hand available to you. Going into it blind and suddenly are among the top things not to do when going vegan, that is just a recipe for failure.

vegan burgers

Continuously research on vegan recipes and try to experiment on them. Do not just settle on food that you already know. Who knows, you might be whipping up a new vegan dish that would be a huge hit to people and encourage them to switch to this lifestyle too?

Don’t assume whatever vegan food you see is always healthy for you – Just because it is vegan, doesn’t mean it’s always healthy. That is a common misconception for quite a few people and you really don’t want that on your list. Technically a vegan can live off French fries cooked in olive oil, but doesn’t necessarily mean that it is healthy for you. After all there are quite a bit of tasty treats that are considered clean eating but over eating and over indulgence can tend to blow the health ramifications out of the water. It is best to go with various vegetables and other vegan options and keep cycling through them, don’t get complacent with just whatever you have everyday, I already told you, the culinary adventures of a vegan are sky high, you just need to look up.

Don’t be overly hard on yourself – As things not to do when going vegan goes, this is also quite important. While you are indeed making a great transition in your life, this healthy lifestyle does not come without challenges and these challenges often breeds anger at yourself and that is a generally bad idea. You are choosing this clean eating habit in order to improve your life, no use in stressing yourself out at minor setbacks that you may experience at the start, that’s just asking for more trouble than you actually need. Take it easy and enjoy the trip down the path of becoming vegan, you’ll be thankful that you did.

There you have it, as far as list of things not to do when going vegan, I’m pretty sure these are some major don’ts that you’d like to avoid. Remember that becoming a vegan is an active choice and you deserve as much help making the healthy lifestyle change as you can. In fact for this clean eating lifestyle make sure to give yourself plenty of room for mistakes, be ready to accept it but what’s most important is what you do after you made these mistakes, standing back up. Stay healthy!

Vegan Lifestyle Versus Plant-based Diet, The Difference Between

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Food | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Alright, I realize the topic is a little confusing and maybe a lot of people are saying the vegan lifestyle and the plant-based diet are pretty much the same, with no difference. Well truth is, there is a very big similarity but if you really go into it, there is quite a difference for these clean eating lifestyles, quite a few that I would like to share and clarify for those who are still confused between the two.

Let’s start off with that similarity so that it can be seen why they are often mixed and matched together and again to be fair, the vegan lifestyle and the plant-based diet really does have quite an astounding stand on something that makes it easy to mix them both.

For both lifestyles you really do avoid meats of any kind. Yes, there is no fish, beef, pork, chicken and so forth, this is pretty apparent for both vegan lifestyle and plant-based diet all around, otherwise I’d assume if you have meat in your diet, well it’s a pretty standard diet don’t you think? However I say avoid in terms of plant-based diet, as technically speaking you could have some meats but predominantly eat more plants, it technically falls under plant-based diet. This is where it gets muddled really, since both clean eating habits pretty much sing the praises of no or little meat – a lot of people tend to say: “It’s one and the same,” when in reality that’s about the only similarity between them.

The difference of the two begin to show after that major resemblance and here are a number of reasons why:

vegan lifestyle

Tempeh, tofu and whole wheat are other food options in a vegan lifestyle.

The vegan belifestyle is said to be a lifestyle and not a diet for a lot of reasons. One is because it is a choice, an active choice that a lot of people have made in order to avoid using animal by products in any way. They don’t have to do this, vegans choose to do this that is why it is a vegan lifestyle. Two, the vegan lifestyle is something of a view if you will, it is deeply rooted in the belief that no animals should suffer, so even if you aren’t physically consuming animal food, you could be doing so by using animal products like a leather wallet, a fur coat and so on. Vegans believe that even products tested on animals should not be used and continue to remove that from their daily lives. 

A plant-based diet on the other hand is exactly what it sounds to be like, it is a person who primarily focuses on consuming products that are based on plants. These include but are not limited to vegetables, fruits, nuts and so forth. This is a wonderful clean eating habit and is a great way to cleanse the body plus it’s a highly sustainable diet that everyone should do, after all the world’s resources are finite and a plant-based diet is one of the answers. Additionally since you can add a little meat product in your meals from time to time, again this is almost a miniscule add on, it definitely differs in leaps from a vegan.

A vegan lifestyle on the other hand also allows consumption of somewhat processed foods and aren’t 100% plant-based. Yes that is confusing let me clarify.  A slice of whole-wheat bread is something that is agreeable to vegans however it isn’t necessarily part of the plant-based diet since it isn’t primarily a plant. While still part of clean eating, this slice of whole-wheat bread meets the criteria of no meat and animal by product thus fitting into the vegan lifestyle, however since it isn’t necessarily all from a plant, it does not fall under the plant-based diet.

Now comes another confusing part, if you are fully on the plant-based diet, it still doesn’t mean you are also a vegan however the products you are eating in your diet are considered both clean eating and part of the vegan lifestyle, it still does not make you a vegan. You could in fact have a leather wallet in your pocket as you enjoy a salad or maybe you have a wool coat on as you take a bite into that apple.

And on the other end of the spectrum just because you are vegan does not mean you are also into a plant-based lifestyle, in fact in the vegan lifestyle you could pretty much spend your life away from plant-based foods, however I do find that unlikely. In the vegan lifestyle there are options such as faux meat, tempeh and soy products too, so technically it is possible but I’m not necessarily sure I’ve met a vegan with such a lifestyle, I mean who doesn’t enjoy vegetables and then actively chooses the vegan lifestyle? It seems a little strange but again not impossible, plus I’d honestly say I would be interested to meet someone who focuses on that part of the vegan diet without consuming plant-based products, but I digress from my point.

plant-based diet

A plant-based diet is mainly concentrated on clean eating by consuming usually unprocessed plant food.

Of course there is also the option of being both a plant-based vegan, which is an option for a lot of people, in fact I know quite a few. This falls under a rather extreme lifestyle but it seems more likely considering there are a lot of clean eating aficionados out there nowadays. Being of both the vegan lifestyle and the plant-based diet, means that not only do you consume plant-based food, you also have chosen to strike out products that have anything to do with harming animals. This is a very difficult thing to do together but oh my gosh I salute those who tread this path, it is honorable and takes a bit of research especially for the vegan lifestyle part. Additionally this may pretty much fall under the raw vegan lifestyle that quite a few extreme vegans have opted to do.

There has been a debate that you can be a vegan in fact and still be unhealthy, as there are products that often fall under the vegan lifestyle but aren’t always good for you such as French fries, some cookie products and so forth however this seems very unlikely like I said I haven’t met another vegan who doesn’t like vegetables yet. On the other hand I have yet to research anything about an unhealthy plant-based diet or lifestyle, even with the minimum consumption of meat, with all the whole products of plants, it seems that for the most part it is a super clean eating habit, however due to the animal in the diet, I really much prefer the vegan lifestyle but that is a personal choice.

As you can see there is quite a difference between the two and it would be best for you to see them for yourselves, after all it is a lifestyle choice of either being part of the vegan lifestyle or the plant-based diet, but either or I am sure if you take the time and see which best fits your life, you’ll enjoy a longer, healthier life altogether. Stay healthy!

20 Mental Health Tips For a Better You

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Wellness | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Mental health is very important, it’s what gets us up in the morning and helps us sleep at night, without proper mental health we won’t function as an individual in society.  Let’s not forget to add that mental health is pretty much key to health and wellness, and I’ve always been a firm believer of positive thinking which can pretty much get you where ever you need to go. I am happy to share with you now some mental health tips that will help you power through in some of your weakest moments or when you need that extra push, like a lot of us need from time to time.

Not everything can be in your control – Let whatever is out of your control be exactly that. There are a lot of things in our lives we tend to blame on ourselves and even when it is beyond us, we still blame ourselves. This little mental health tip should allow yourself some slack as no matter what you do sometimes, things aren’t always in your hands and that’s alright.

Take the time to enjoy the little things – In this hectic world where work is important and you need to get to the office 10 seconds sooner, make sure you keep up your mental health by enjoying the little things from time to time. Maybe it’s a special cup of coffee or a calming cup of tea, in fact it could be a granola bar, whatever you enjoy take a few minutes off and just have fun with it. Your wellness depends on these little breaks you promise yourself.

challenge yourself for mental health

Whether it be a physical activity like joining a new sport or signing up for a class to learn a new skill, it is good for your mental health to challenge yourself. You will reap a lot of gains out of it.

Challenge yourself – Make sure you keep yourself in tiptop shape but continuously challenging yourself to things you know you can do. Don’t make it too easy or it won’t be a real challenge but don’t make it impossible either as you’ll just stress yourself and your mental health if you overdo it.

Do not ignore stress – Nothing tears down mental stress more than ignoring stress which a lot of people do, this is a big no-no my dear friends. If you intend on pushing forward with your wellness and healthy mental status, make sure to find a way to deal with your stress and move forward, don’t let it fester.

Be in the moment – I realize that tomorrow a lot of things might be due or you have so much to do for an event in a day or two you feel like you’re swallowed whole, don’t let it get the better of your mental health. Breathe in and understand that everything that can be done can be done right now and at this moment. It is in your best interest to keep yourself in the present, don’t worry about the past or the future just think about the now, this will lessen the burden and improve your wellness.

There is no shame in asking for help – Asking for help is not a weak thing to do, no matter what anybody says, when you are in over your head ask for help, this will do leaps and bounds for your mental health. Just knowing that you don’t have to be alone will immediately relieve some stress on your mental health and you definitely want that at all cost.

Positive people beget positive people – When you are positive and have a good aura about you, you attract others that are like you as well and this is a great thing to help you with your mental health. Keep yourself surrounded with positive people and you will improve your mental health and wellness as well.

Meditate – Take a few minutes a day to quietly meditate and refocus on things you need to do or better yet, focus on what you need to do to strengthen your mental health. This is a simple tip to simply remove the clutter from your mind.

Not everything needs to be perfect – Nothing strains mental health than the pursuit of the impossible, a lot of perfectionists end up having tired mental health strength as they keep at it.  Aim to be happy and not perfect, this will make your life a whole lot easier and that is just great for your wellness too.

It’s okay to say no – There are too many people out there who can’t seem to say: “No”, no matter what is asked of them. This really takes a toll on your mental health and can be very detrimental to your wellness. Learn to say “No” when you have to, there’s nothing wrong with it at all.

It’s perfectly alright not to be alright all the time – If you are happy all the time, there might be something wrong. As great as it is to be positive a lot, there is nothing wrong with being sad or not okay once in awhile. There is no mental health that can be considered healthy if you are always blatantly happy.

Cry when you want to cry – There’s no need to stop crying or to force yourself not to, everyone deserves a good cry and there is nothing wrong with it at all. Your mental health needs a period of waterworks from time to time and that’s perfectly normal.

Celebrate when you want to celebrate – Inversely to crying, you should celebrate when you should too. Enjoy the small victories or large wins in your life, you deserve it and your wellness and mental health deserve it too.

Find things that make you happy – Pick up a book or find a hobby that agrees with you, this helps you take away anxiousness and helps strengthen mental health against the stress you are bound to face.

Get a well-deserved rest – There is nothing better for your mental health than a full night’s rest. When all else fails, go to bed and let tomorrow be, just sleep it off and you’ll see that you’ll be in a better place after some rest.

Break free from routine – While routines are great and all, nothing causes boredom on your mental health more than routine. So take a break every now and then, have fun and let yourself experience something new. Your health and wellness will thank you dearly.

tea time to relax for mental health

Take the time to enjoy the little things, relax and treat yourself. Maybe it’s a cup of tea, or whipping up your favorite dessert, give yourself a pat on the back after surviving a stressful day.

Treat yourself well – Make time to treat your biggest fan: yourself. It can be whatever. Maybe a movie that you wanted to watch or a good old soak in the tub with music and a glass of wine, this will do great things for your mental health.

Be a healthier you – Nothing helps mental health more than a healthy body. Take the time to come up with a workout routine or find an exercise that you enjoy doing. I personally enjoy a good run and if you are interested too, maybe you can read more on how to start running.

Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose – Not everything in the world can be won and you have to be okay with that, or your mental health will take a beating if you insist on always winning. At any given point you should always know that there is a chance to lose and that is alright, it’s what you do after losing that counts.

Freedom is all yours for the taking – The freedom we have is choosing the battles we are up against and what we allow to affect us. This removes a ton of burden from your mental health knowing that whatever you are facing, you are choosing it freely and of your own will.

When all things feel a little too heavy and your mental health is taking a beating, remember these tips and for sure your wellness will improve, your mood will lighten and you’ll have a better chance of facing whatever you’re up against. Remember, all this is your choice, choose well and know that even if you have a big challenge ahead, you can always, always ask for help. Stay healthy!