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Workout And Digestion: Should You Hit The Gym With An Empty Stomach?

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Fitness, Food | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

There has been a rather lively debate as to whether you should workout with an empty stomach or not, and quite frankly it is a challenge to everyone’s workout plans. In the ways to lose weight, a lot of people opted to load up on a ton of caffeine before hitting the gym and only used that as fuel, this furthers their workout plans and hopes that they will lose weight faster by skipping the meal. I’ve written this article in the hopes to not end the debate, as that would be rather impossible given the two compelling sides, but at the very least I can shed some light into the information at hand and help you decide your workout plans as soon as possible.

Additionally please take the time to read through all the pro empty stomach workout and the anti-empty stomach practitioners and from there make your decision, keep in mind that both methods may differ in results for individuals depending on your genes and your workout plans. Best to check and test them both up.

Don’t workout on an empty stomach

Skipping breakfast – As many people know that in the ways to lose weight, skipping breakfast is a bad idea. Breakfast wakes up your digestive system and allows your metabolism to start working, so skipping it not only makes you sluggish during your workout plans, but it also wreaks havoc on your metabolism. Understandably this is one of the defenses of the people who do not believe in working out with an empty stomach.

breakfast before workout

For many, having breakfast is very important as it is the energy-booster for the day. Before workout though, make sure you’re just eating enough and not get too full since too much could also be bad for your body.

No power – Not having enough fuel to workout is a scary thought, however if you have been at your workout plans for quite some time, chances of an injury is rather miniscule but you can never be too careful. Perhaps your workout plans call for you to start lifting more weight and your lack of food or ‘fuel’ could make you fail your target, so it would be ideal to eat a meal an hour prior to your workout plans.

Muscle tissue – The naysayers say that if you continue your workout plans on an empty stomach, since you lack food as energy source, it is believed that you will tear muscle tissue however there has been no research that has conclusively studied this, so quite honestly this is still a rather difficult point to trust for now but perhaps a word of caution in the meantime would be more than a warning for others who plan to find ways to lose weight.

Lack of nutrition – Skipping meals is never a good idea, and you tend to lose proper nutrition and the vitamins that are needed for healthy body. In the ways to lose weight, a number of people tend to skip meals altogether and as experience shows this is not a good idea and leads to the opposite of what they want. As the people who disagree with doing your workout plans on an empty stomach believe as well, you will lack the nutrition you need to build proper muscles.

Overall the naysayers strongly believe that missing a meal will not only lead to a poorer set of workout plans, but will also get in the way of weight lost in the long run, their ideal state is to eat a meal an hour before or even a protein shake before your workout plans in order to maximize out weight lost and muscle gain.

Do workout on an empty stomach

Improved insulin sensitivity – This is a little difficult to explain in my opinion so please bear with me. Insulin is a hormone that the body releases in order to absorb nutrients however having a lot of meals, reduces our capabilities of using insulin properly, thus the reverse could be said and done with regards to your workout plans. People who believe in working out on an empty stomach believes that by fasting from time-to-time you end up with one of the key ways to lose weight.

Growth hormones increase – The pro empty stomach people believe that fasting will promote growth hormones, which lead to muscle gain and fat loss. This hormone can be produced by fasting among other methods and leads to be able to burn fat thus leading to one of the many ways to lose weight, plus is a great arsenal to have for your workout plans altogether.

Workout and drink water

While working out with an empty stomach is preferred by some, keep in mind that water is something you should never skip. Keep yourself hydrated!

Muscle glycogen storage improvement – Muscle glycogen storage is the storage of the body’s energy. Pro empty stomach people believe that the body can better handle energy usage on an empty stomach, which is pretty much ideal for marathon runners or long workout plans. The belief is that the body will train itself to work better under a fasting state rather than a fed state. The pro empty stomach trainers believe if you want to get a better workout and lead to one of the ways to lose weight, this is the ideal path to go with.

Burn more fat – I’m sure if you are looking for ways to lose weight, this must have perked your ears as pro empty workout enthusiasts believe that working out on an empty stomach will burn fat reserves. Now I’m not sure about you, but for sure this is something a lot of people want to result in for their workout plans. They say by working out on an empty stomach, your body seeks out energy deposits and your fat deposits are a perfect source, or so they believe.

Overall the pro empty stomach practitioners believe that intermittent fasting is ideal for working out, but make sure to stay hydrated with not only water, but maybe green tea or even coffee. Additionally make sure that you don’t over-fast as this is a feasible event when fasting for a workout, make sure to have your last meal within 10 hours or so, no more to be safe. Your workout plans should include the last meal you had into account to be safe and to make sure you don’t injure yourself in the exercises that will lead to many ways to lose weight.

These are both compelling reasons to do either, and quite honestly it would be best for you to test both paths and see what works with you. You don’t need to stress yourself and force one path or the other, go with what feels natural. Remember that fasting is debatable, some believe that a true fast is 10 hours or more, while others who prefer to workout with a full stomach would want to do so an hour or so prior to your workout plans so that you don’t give yourself indigestion or such.

Again if you are looking for a good ways to lose weight, I’d be happy to share with you my other article: How to lose weight fast. Otherwise keep trying to weight our options during your workout plans and see if you would rather workout with an empty stomach or a full stomach, well not so full as of course it needs to be controlled and balanced with proper nutrition for your well-being.

For more tips and tricks to get healthy, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Stay healthy!

Lemon Water Diet, The Benefits You Want To Know About

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Health | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

On the journey of health, I am sure you have one way or another stumbled upon the lemon water diet upon your research and I glad to know that the same said research has found you on this article. The lemon water diet is not a traditional diet per se, it does insist on consumption of lemon water on daily basis however it does not limit any other consumption, so it makes it easier to follow for a lot of people and acts as a great detox for the entire body. I am happy to share with you the benefits I have found while on the lemon water diet.

Digestion – Your digestive track will love the lemon water diet and your entire body will rejoice at the new detox diet that you are on. Drinking warm lemon water allows the citric acid in the lemon to interact with a number of enzymes that pretty much tells the gastric juices to start doing its job, this will pretty much help you lose weight and is a great add on to the lemon water diet.

Soothes your stomach – If you have an easily upset stomach, you should start the lemon water diet right away. It helps fight off acidity and the feeling of being bloated. Although it is rather acidic, it acts differently when it is in our body. This added bonus of being able to detox of the body is a major benefit that cannot be overlooked.

Cleansing your system – The lemon water diet is a diuretic, which helps you urinate more making it get rid of more unwanted substances, another effect that can detox your body and help you become healthier. Of course with a healthier system, the better it can handle taking care of everything else, even handling weight loss. Simple and effective.

Immunity boostLemon water diet has a ton of vitamin c and that really fights off a ton of ailments, aside from that it also has ascorbic acid that is anti-inflammatory effect that is great to fight off asthma and other such problems. Of course the potassium that helps control blood pressure is an awesome bonus.

Level your PH – As lemon water diet is quite acidic or feels so, once inside our bodies it is quite a good source of alkaline that helps balance your PH, this in turn removes a lot of the other unwanted acids in our body such as uric acid and others, further improving your health and giving a detox like feeling.

Healthy skin – You want the healthy glowing skin effect? Well vitamin c is a must if you want that effect and doing the lemon water diet will give you plenty of vitamin c. Additionally the alkaline in the lemon water diet will help fight off acne, and let’s face it, who wants a pimple on their face? I certainly don’t and while on the lemon water diet, not only will your body get the detox it sorely needs, you’ll get that highly wanted glow that healthy people have.

Lemon-infused water great for detox

Lemon-infused water is not only great for detox and weight loss. It gives so much more benefits to your body than you can imagine!

Weight loss – Wait a minute, weight loss and detox? The lemon water diet is pretty amazing isn’t it? Within the lemon water diet, you can find some fiber that helps you feel full and less hungry during the rest of the day. When you are hungry you might just grab whatever is sitting around, which is usually something nothing good for you, I can tell you that. So start the lemon water diet and see how effective the weight loss will eventually benefit you. Additionally if you want to lose weight fast, please read my other article: How to lose weight fast.

Eye sight – The lemon water diet helps maintain eyesight and is known to fight off some sicknesses for the eyes. Just by continuing the lemon water diet, it is a great way to keep your eyes in check and healthy. I believe everyone wants good eyesight and you can’t help but want to take care of it all the more, with just a simple glass or two a day you can make a lot of difference.

Fight toothaches – Lemon is known to relieve toothaches and well not to boast or anything, but what is the leading substance in the lemon water diet? Yes, lemons! And the freshness of the lemon is good for your breath and it never hurts to have great smelling breath doesn’t it?

Hydrates the body – Since in the lemon water diet, part of it is lemon, what is the other half? Water, of course and by staying on the lemon water diet, you keep your entire system hydrated and that just helps things run smoothly. Whenever you lack water in the body you will definitely feel the after effects of dehydration and nobody wants that. Keep drinking the lemon water diet and make sure detox your body while staying hydrated.

Recover from injuries – Vitamin c is essential to heal wounds and what else has a lot of vitamin c? Lemons, and lemons once more is a key ingredient to the lemon water diet. Vitamin c is essential to healing and keep your body healthy, so drink a lot to detox a number of bad substances in your body and focus on healing, as you improve further.

Energy booster – Lemon gives your body an energy boost as it enters the digestive system and makes you feel more awake in fact. So the lemon water diet not only continues to detox the body but helps you wake up in the morning, almost like a substitute for coffee and cut the dependency on caffeine. If you are brave enough, try to cut out the coffee in the morning and just stick with the lemon water diet. You’d be surprised at how effective it is and how little you’ll need a cup of joe instead.

Mood booster – Due to the potassium inside the lemons, you fight off depression and anxiety as lack of potassium usually brings about the two mentioned. So during your lemon water diet, you can see how much you can perk up in a short amount of time. Try to not only depend on the lemon water diet as a detox tool but use it on a daily basis to see how uplifting it can feel to keep drinking a simple concoction every day.

As you can see there are a ton of good effects that the lemon water diet brings about and all it takes is some purified water, some slices of lemons and that’s about it. Make sure you keep it warm, as the cold water isn’t quite as good for you as you think, however if it’s a hot, steamy summer’s day, I can’t blame you for going with the cold option however be ready for reduced affects, so just brave the warm water in hot weather, you’ll thank me in the long run. The lemon water diet brings about weight loss, detox and a general feeling of being healthier, which you will be in the long run. Why aren’t you starting it today?

For more tips and tricks to get healthy, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Stay healthy!

8 Reasons You Are Not Losing That Body Fat

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Fitness | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

By now you have been working out quite a bit in the hopes of bringing down your body fat percentage and maybe even lead to some weight loss, but for some gosh darn reason, yes I just said gosh darn for some reason or another, you can’t lose more body fat than you actually want. What’s going on? Well my dear friends, I’m glad to share with you some reasons as to why you’re not losing as much body fat as desired and by knowing that maybe we can start moving towards your ideal weight loss.

Eating too much – Well this needs to be said, regardless if you want to hear it or not. While you are working out as hard as you can, sometimes you give yourself a green light to eat more and more, and while I do agree, if you do workout quite a bit, you should be allowed certain leniencies but the word control comes into mind. A lot of people trying to decrease their body fat workout like crazy but forget to balance their diet in order to meet their new found lifestyle which pretty much leads to gaining weight instead. In fact if you are really serious about reducing body fat, check out my other article: The How To Guide Of Clean Eating. Doing a proper workout routine and hopping on the clean eating bandwagon will guarantee weight loss, trust me there.

Not enough protein – A lot of people don’t realize how important protein is during workout sessions and how it can help you lose the unwanted body fat. Protein is a primary building substance for muscles, when you workout you create micro tears in your muscles and protein helps repair them while making it stronger. Of course this shows that your body is working to the optimized setting, which is pretty ideal for reducing of body fat and weight loss.

Sugar drinks not for weight loss

Cut down your intake on sugary drinks like frappes and soda. Opt for healthy ones like smoothies made from organic fruits or better yet, make some tea.

You’re drinking sugar – Not literally I hope, but if you are holding a glass of soda right now, you might as well be. A lot of people don’t realize just how much sugar and calories they are guzzling down with each soda, pre-packaged juices and much more. If you really want to lose your body fat, put that glass down and pick up a clean glass of water. Sure the occasional coffee is good and to detox the body, nothing like a cup of green tea. In fact for more ways to detox your body, please feel free to read up on my other article: 5 detox drinks to burn fat.

You lack sleep – To lose body fat you need a full night’s rest. There are no buts, ifs or whatever about this, without proper sleep you’re looking at an uphill battle and nobody wants that when you are trying to lose body fat. When you lack sleep not only will your hormones go crazy, you’ll want to eat more and feel hungry faster than usual. Even worse your metabolism will slow down to a crawl due to the lack of sleep, which let’s face it will wreak havoc on your weight loss goals, wouldn’t you agree?

You overeat healthy foods – While clean eating and healthy foods do indeed lead to weight loss and reduced body fat within a lot of individuals, over indulging, even with healthy foods will lead to higher body fat percentages. A key example of easily over eaten healthy foods are nuts. Nuts are a great snack and really great for you, but since they are so easy to eat and take the place of your usual potato chips, you tend to go overboard and not realize you’ve eaten maybe 4-5 servings in one seating. Uh oh. Yes indeed, that is a lot of calorie intake for something that isn’t even a full-blown meal yet and you wonder why your body fat won’t decrease. Be weary that even healthy meals carry calories in them, as with all things in life, moderation is key to getting what you want.

Stress gets in the way – Yes you heard me, stress is getting in your way to reduce body fat. Not only is stress one of the leading reasons for a ton of sicknesses, it stirs up your cortisol production, which is a stress hormone that increases storage of body fat in the system and other negative results in your body. While usually cortisol is helpful in some situations, continued elevation becomes a challenge for weight loss and the successful reduction of body fat. As they say, never workout angry, you’re prone to hurt yourself and you aren’t making too much progress either. Relax and enjoy the workout, this will be sure to help you in the long run of weight loss.

Stress hinders weight loss

Stress is inevitable, so it would help if you learn how to manage it. Make sure you give yourself time to relax and do some meditation from time to time.

Cardio might not always lead to weight loss – While cardio is awesome, if the intensity is too low or if you aren’t balancing it with proper sleep or nutrition, I’m afraid it could lead to negative results when body fat is concerned. I am a vehement supporter of running and I love it to its very core, however if you aren’t getting enough rest and food with it, it won’t lead to the proper results you are aiming for. In fact you could end up injuring yourself. Make sure to study your cardio properly as it will lead to weight loss however if mismanaged could just make things worse for you.

Regular workout – This might not need to be said but just in case, you are working out regularly right? I mean if you are serious enough and want to lose body fat, regular workout is pretty much non-negotiable. Of course some results won’t show up overnight, it takes time and perseverance to be able to get that body fat out of your body, however if you are quickly discouraged and tend to give yourself excuses to get off the treadmill or skip out on a workout, I think you just found out your main reason for not being able to achieve your weight loss targets.

It goes without saying that the fight against body fat is a battle that pretty much everyone goes up against. While getting healthy it is always a challenge to be able to achieve the weight loss you really want. However with the proper diet and research, it trims down your enemies to something that you can beat without a doubt. Keep trying and keep at it, body fat won’t just magically disappear much to our dismay, however it doesn’t always have to be there and we don’t need to live with it. There are a ton of ways to lose it and even when you aren’t losing it as much as you had hoped, look up the list above and maybe you can rectify the situation. Enjoy the battle against body fat and have fun getting to your goal, after all everything in life is a journey and the journey to getting healthy is a lot more fun when you smile along the way.

For more tips and tricks to get healthy, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Stay healthy!

Vegan Swaps: A Healthy Guide On Alternatives To Every Day Ingredients

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Food | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Very rarely are we conditioned to be a vegan from the onset of our life, however everyone can always choose the option to become a vegan and with this article I am happy to share that for those who decided to make the switch yet fear they will miss meat or many other products, even those who are having a harder time adjusting than they thought to the vegan lifestyle, this is the perfect read for you.

Vegan swap is the art, yes art of finding meat substitutes or animal by product substitutes that fall under the vegan accepted diet and/or need. Of course as this is vegan, it is also considered as clean eating and is pretty much good for you and your body, which let’s face it, is a very great bonus to this wonderful lifestyle.

Butter/margarine – This is quite a consideration for a lot of people, after all butter is used almost on a daily basis prior to becoming a vegan, the versatility of butter is something that is often sought after by vegans. There are a ton of options for clean eating such as pure sunflower, soya and olive as a substitute for margarine and not only does it taste the same, the cost does not differ too much.

Milk – Everyone is concerned with finding a source of calcium, as they should be, and even though there are plenty of other sources of calcium including several vegetables, there is just something about a nice glass of milk right? Well look no further, my fellow vegan people, there are a ton of options out there such as: coconut, hazelnut, the ever-dependable soy, rice and so much more. There are no lacking options for milk out here and a lot of them fall under clean eating, so perk up my other vegan friends, have a glass of milk without worrying if a cow was hurt in the process.

Tempeh on vegan salad

Tempeh makes a great alternative to chicken and burgers.

Chocolate – Yes the sweetness of chocolate is something you don’t have to miss out on, well milk chocolate won’t seem likely however a lot of dark chocolate should be perfect for a lot of vegan people. Let’s not forget that dark chocolate has a lot of antioxidants that are also good for you, aside from the fact that it falls under a vegan diet, this is a tasty treat that you’ll surely enjoy.

Cheese – This is perhaps one of the largest challenges that a lot of potential converters have when deciding to become a vegan, cheese the oh so delicious cheese. Well worry not, there is a dairy free swap that works well for vegan dieters, a soya based spread that is pretty much delicious and fairly easy to find in most groceries. Give it a shot and I am planning to try it with a couple of vegetables that have been begging for some cheese, yummy.

Burgers – Before you chose the path of a vegan, did you use to enjoy a burger from time to time? While I can’t imagine eating one now, I do still remember the satisfaction of one from awhile back, and again for newly turned vegan people you may want to know there are a lot of swaps for this option. There are bean burgers out there, tempeh, soya burgers, the sky is the limit here. There happens to be a ton of recipes as well that are just simply wonderful and delicious, I highly suggest you look some of them up and cook yourself a vegan tasty delight. Don’t forget there are a lot of ‘meaty’ mushrooms out there such as a shitakes that make for wonderful swaps as well, give them a try. Add some more vegetables and other clean eating ingredients, and for sure you have a sure crowd pleaser. In fact a lot of the potential vegan swaps listed here are part of the clean eating list and if you want to learn more about clean eating, please read my other article: The how to guide to clean eating.

Eggs – This is a bit tricky as you need to know what in particular you need from the eggs, however there are quite a few options ready for all vegan foodies. For scrambled eggs that seem to go great with almost any breakfast meal, I suggest using tofu as a swap. Need a binder for some type of dessert? Try a ripe banana or applesauce that works just as well and adds a little more taste to it my opinion.

Honey – Yes the natural sweetener should be left to who made them, namely the bees. For us vegan, who are looking for a great sweetener that has not been processed or comes with chemicals, there are a ton of options. I happen to favor maple syrup, fruit sugar syrups and so on, the options are fairly open for various vegan needs.

Chicken – Personally there are a lot of swaps that can be done to make it vegan friendly, quite frankly as they say, a lot of things taste like chicken. That being said, try the vegan options such as soya, which you can fairly change to make it take the texture of many things. Should that not work for you, seitan or tempeh, they are a very versatile ingredient and can be made to taste much like anything with proper care and cooking. Keep trying this clean eating method and you’ll never miss eating chicken ever again.

Frozen blueberry smoothie

Instead of dairy ice cream, a great alternative would be frozen fruit smoothies. Vegan yogurt is also a tasty option since it comes from alternative milk sources such as almond milk, coconut milk and soy milk.

Ice cream – Yes the dairy filled goodness that a lot of people cannot live without and I would be amiss if I said that I don’t understand. However I am happy to say that there is an amazing vegan alternative and a happy friend to clean eating: frozen, blended fruits. I cannot say how happy I am to freeze up some fresh bananas and then blend it when I have a hankering for a good cup of ice cream. I add other fruits for more flavor and get my cravings done while still remaining faithful to my vegan needs, plus the added vitamins from fruits are a great bonus for this tasty snack.

Make up – While I don’t have a direct swap for this, it would be best to find out what products you are supporting by checking their website for any products that might affect animals or use other by products that will not agree with vegan needs. Just be mindful and I am sure you can find products that work best for you and your needs.

As you can see from the list there are a ton of vegan swap options for a lot of things other than just meat. You can fairly choose and find vegan solutions to a number of requirements as long as you take the time to decide and find out your options, the world is your virtual oyster or in our case, the soy based food, cooked and carefully placed in a vegetable shaped to resemble a shell and that sounds pretty awesome to me.

For more tips and tricks to get healthy, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Stay healthy!

Annette Larkins, A Shining Example To Healthy Eating And Living

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Food, Health | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

It is no secret that I am a very, very strong advocate for vegans, clean eating and even vegetarians. I firmly believe that by choosing to eat properly and actively opting for the healthier alternative to meat, you will not only live a better life, you’ll live a longer and happier one too. With that said, I am happy to introduce to everyone a pillar of health and an amazing example: Annette Larkins.

Annette Larkins is a 74-year-old as of 2016, yes count and say it with me, 74-year-old grandmother who in my honest opinion does not look a day over 40 at all. She is an amazing testament to healthy living and should be an aspiration to all of us who wish to lead a healthy life.

As I read through the countless interviews she had, I am further strengthened in my resolve to continue my advocacy of healthy living. Annette Larkins continues to defy the years as she powers through by continuing to eat raw, unprocessed foods. She shares on her website: “One does not have to to go the distance that I have with my diet. I am an extremist. I just want to uplift people and motivate people and encourage them to find the steps for their goals. We can all change our eating habits. I am sick and tired of seeing people sick and tired,” .

As she was making a meal for her family, a plate of pork chops, she realized that the dead flesh was no longer appealing to her and eventually decided to part ways with meat on that day. She decided to quit meat on that night and kept going since. After more research she moved on to removing sugar and flour from her diet in 1971 due to it being processed. Dairy products followed a mere 5 years after, in 1976. Finally 9 years later, in 1985, she reached the decision to stop eating cooked food albeit the fact that she still enjoyed it.

A great example is further shared on Annette Larkinswebsite where she took two carrots, cut both tops, boiled one and then submerged both in water. While the boiled carrot began to rot, the uncooked one continued to sprout and grow once more. This powerful example really struck me as a great way to show the difference between the two. Another great sample to show how healthy living really differs from regular diet and lifestyle, doesn’t that just inspire you?

As I read up on her more recent interview, she continues to share on her website the information with New York Times News in an interview with Camille Lamb – how Annette Larkins continues to grow most of her needs in her own backyard, even indoors she continues to grow a virtual buffet of vegetables using the hydroponics method. From meals to juices, Annette Larkins pretty much has it all. Let’s not forget that her juicers range in abilities from masticating to a hydraulic press, now if that isn’t dedication to a diet I don’t know what is. The healthy living lifestyle is really something that Annette Larkins continues to embody to this day.

Annette Larkins youthful at 70+

Annette Larkins during her TV guesting at The Steve Harvey Show in 2014.

I watched up some videos on YouTube as well in order to gather more information about Annette Larkins and I was happy to find a video where she answered some questions from fans. One asked what she does for exercise and she happily shared that for mental exercise, she does a lot of chess or board games, while for physical exercise dancing is one of her favorites, otherwise she walks on her spiral stair machine to achieve 50 – 100 floors everyday. This is something everyone who aspires to walk down the path of healthy living should take as an example. Annette Larkins shares that the average recommended steps is 10,000 and with her various exercises she usually gets around 18,000 – 20,000 steps on a daily basis. Wow, just wow!

Annette Larkins continued on saying that there is more to a healthy lifestyle than eating healthy and exercise, you need to have a positive outlook, which continually affects your healthy lifestyle.  This just says so much in my opinion, that you need to have a great outlook in order to keep improving your life. It is something that I completely agree with.

When asked about her source for protein, she answered that she gets it from fruits, nuts and legumes. All fairly grown in the back of her house and she harvests the vegetables and fruits happily and without any problems for daily consumption.

An interview with New Channel 5, shows how Annette Larkins continues her healthy living by growing everything she needs in her outdoor and indoor garden, even to the extent of collecting rainwater for watering her plants, additionally in a separate interview she even mentioned that she doesn’t exactly drink the rain water but she does not see a problem with it as long as you filter it properly. As the interview went on, they introduced Amos Larkins, Annette Larkins’ husband. He has always been supportive of her choice however had decided to stay with his old diet. Amos continues to say how he wishes that he did what she did and he laughs as many people think that they are not married but rather Annette Larkins is his granddaughter, he chides himself.

Further down the interview with Annette Larkins, she tells how many friends and family members ask her so many questions, that she came up with a couple of booklets known as: The Journey to Health.

When asked about genes, as some people who meet her assume that Annette Larkins had been bestowed with good genes, she continued to share how it is not based on that at all. Her grandmother died at a young age of 47 due to breast cancer, who in turn had her mother die at the age of 36 due to breast cancer as well. Sadly two sisters of her grandmother also died of the same illness. To top things off, diabetes also has a grip on their family tree but Annette Larkins is happy to report, at the age of 74, she has escaped all of it thus far and hopes to continue doing so.

Again as an outspoken advocate and aficionado of vegans everywhere, anyone who needs a concrete example and shining light to work on clean eating, look towards Annette Larkins and her healthy living lifestyle. I am awe-stricken and very inspired thanks to Annette Larkins. I am hoping and believe that when my age does reach hers, I will look as vibrant and as healthy as she does to this day. Who knows, maybe when she hits 90 years-old she will look like she just entered her 50’s and that my friends is a great way to grow older. Stay healthy!

How To Kill Sugar Addiction, Ways To Quit That Old Habit

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Health | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

I am sure that there are a ton of us who are still addicted to sugary sweets in one form or another. I use the term sugar addiction very seriously and know that it is perhaps one of the leading reasons to obesity aside from the dependency of meats. Becoming vegan can rectify the dependency on meat by products, but sugar addiction is another challenge altogether and I write this article in the hopes to help people get a foot up against sugar addiction.

Stop eating sugar – This goes without saying, but sugar addiction is exactly what it sounds like, an addiction. The more you eat it the more you will crave for it, so in that case the reverse could be said about sugar addiction. The less you eat it, the less you will seek it out. Start off with simple stuff and build your way up to cutting out of your life, you’ll be happy that you were able to kick off the sugar addiction before it becomes a real problem.

Sugar fast – This works hand-in-hand with the initial tip to kick sugar addiction, try to take a few days off sugar. Heck, make it an entire week if you can do it. When you do allow yourself some sugar after the fast, you’ll notice that you won’t want it as much as you did before, you’ll usually pass on dessert when just a week ago, you would’ve jumped on that cake faster than an ant could go after a picnic. Because you have avoided sugar for some time, your dependency on it gradually lessens and eventually you may not even look for it anymore.

Avoid processed foods – While this is number one in clean eating, it also tells us that a ton of processed foods has a lot of sugar in it. Kicking sugar addiction simply starts off by avoiding these processed foods as much as you can and eventually if you want to complete clean eating, cut processed food out of your diet completely. You’ll notice that not only have you greatly reduced your sugar addiction, you have also become much, much and have I mentioned much healthier?

Exercise – By exercising you raise your serotonin levels, which pretty much makes you happy. And research has shown that the happier you are the less you will crave for sweets and such, thus another step towards kicking the sugar addiction that you want to combat. Let’s not forget the added bonus of you becoming healthier, fitter and just all around better, we shouldn’t forget that aside from beating sugar addiction of course.

Fruits for natural sweetness on killing sugar addiction

While some fruits and plant-based foods contain natural sugars, these are the healthier options when you transition to moderate sugar intake.

Vegetables are your new addiction – Now that you have a lot space since you’ve cut down on sugars, it’s ideal to push the envelope a little more and go for clean eating by eating more vegetables. Green vegetables are ideal however just make sure you get some with a lot of vitamins and fibers. This will make you full longer and boost your energy levels making sure you don’t need that sugar addiction to keep you going.

Water – Water, yes water, drink lots of it. Sometimes when we are the mercy of our sugar addiction, it feels as though we are craving for sweets when in fact all we are feeling is dehydration and a tall glass of clean water is all we really need. So before you go down the sugary sweet ally of the sugar addiction, try a glass of water first and wait it out. If that doesn’t help you stop the sugar addiction, there are lot more tips coming your way.

Fermented foods – For some reason or another, there is nothing quite as effective as eating some fermented food in order to kill a sugar addiction. Something about the strong sour taste seems to combat our need for sugary sweets and the more fermented foods you eat, the less you’ll be dependent on that sugar addiction. Aside from that fermented foods have a probiotic that combats bacteria’s in our bodies that are looking for sugar. Isn’t that neat? Just by eating fermented foods or even drinks, you can combat sugar addiction and even kick it completely if done correctly.

Regulate your blood sugar – When you are hungry you tend to pick up whatever you find lying around and what is usually lying around is probably not that good for you to begin with. A lot of people tend to snack on something sweet or salty, while this is alright, if you want to beat the sugar addiction and face towards the right direction of clean eating, it would be ideal to eat healthier and make a plan out of it. Don’t let yourself go hungry but don’t binge eat as well. Small snacks are great as long as you know what you are going to put in your mouth. This also holds true for the evening as you need to make sure your body is well regulated before you sleep, this will also help you fight the sugar addiction by getting a regular night’s rest, which will then in turn increase your serotonin levels and keeping the need for sugar at bay.

Green tea comes to the rescue – A lot of people and I mean a lot can’t help but drink their calories, those overly sweet drinks are a major source of calories and sugar, which further fuels your sugar addiction. If you want to go for clean eating, green tea is what you need to start drinking. Not only does it provide a lot of antioxidants that will strengthen your digestion, it will also help you fight off sugar addiction by avoiding the sugars in other beverages. So the next time you think of ordering a soda, think a little and opt for green tea instead. You’ll thank me when you’ve placed the sugar addiction in the trash.

Go natural – Again the sweet tooth and sugar addiction are a tough pair to beat, but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid sweets altogether. Just go with natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey for non-vegans or other stuff like that. Fruits are an amazing source of natural sweeteners and if regulated consumption is to be done and not over doing it, then you should not only beat sugar addiction, but you will be headed in the direction of clean eating as well.

Kimchi helps decrease sugary cravings

Kimchi and other fermented foods like sauerkraut, pickled beets and radish aids in diverting sugar cravings. Plus they’re plant-based!

Meditation – I realize this is a little different from the other tips and not a lot of people meditate, however it has been proven that meditating lowers stress and pretty much gives you time to just relax. Through meditation you can further stimulate your senses to power through sugar addiction by taking the time to reflect and know deep down inside it isn’t a crutch you’d like to hang on to for longer than necessary.

These are just some awesome tips that should work to beat the sugar addiction and maybe even start towards the direction of clean eating. In fact for more about clean eating read my other article: How to guide to clean eating.  Know that you are not alone in trying to beat sugar addiction and quite frankly any addiction is not to be taken lightly. Mix and match some of the tips and see what works best for you and together we can beat sugar addiction.

For more tips and tricks to get healthy, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Stay healthy!

Morning Stretching Routines, For A great Start To A Wonderful Day

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Fitness | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

You ever wake up and immediately realize it’s going to be a great day? Well with some morning stretches, the day could get even better. I’ll give you a great morning exercise or two to do on a daily basis that will ready your body for the rest of the day, remove the fatigue of sleep from your body and the best part is the morning stretches will gently wake up your entire body making sure you will feel better all through out the day.

The ideal is that when you wake up and remove the morning glory from your eyes, you get ready for the rest of the day with the morning stretches below. Each morning exercise is designed to target different parts of the body and most of them focus on body parts that tend to get sore after a night’s rest, these morning stretches will be a nice way to face the day and a wonderful way to work up the appetite for breakfast.

Seated spinal twist – sit straight and with your feet placed firmly on the ground for one of the most basic morning stretches, you twist your entire body to the right, twisting your neck as far as you can go as well. Let your left forearm rest on top of your hip and hold the position for a couple of breaths. Allow your left forearm to rest on top of your hip for leverage and finally release. Do the alternate side and repeat a few times. Your body will feel great to get this morning exercise done with after sleeping a full 8 hours.

Seated spinal twist is a common and effective morning stretch

Seated spinal twist is a common and easy morning stretch that energizes the spine and stimulates the digestive fire.

Neck and shoulder – this refreshing morning exercise can be done seated and between you and me, a lot of people do this without even knowing it. Start by sitting up straight, then gently lean your head as far left as you can, you feel a slight resistance when you hit the furthest stretch you can, from there use your left hand to grab right side of your head and gently push down. You’ll feel an alleviating sigh of relief from your neck and shoulders as you hold it for a few seconds and release. Now repeat with the other side and now you have just done one of the most awesome morning stretches known to man. Simple wasn’t it?

Calf stretch – a really effective morning exercise that you can start off from a standing position, after which you prop your right leg on top of an elevated platform (maybe a chair or a stool) and point your toes straight up, trying to get it to point towards you as best as you can. Take your left leg and do the same. This is a one of the key morning stretches to take away your leg’s fatigue from not moving for a few hours.

Standing quad stretch – stand straight and use your bed or a table for support for this morning exercise, bend your right knee backwards so that your foot is positioned right behind your bum, catching it with your right hand. Hold the position for a few breaths and release, repeat with the other leg and there you have it, a better-stretched quadriceps. Remember during morning stretches like this one, it is best if you’re a little more awake as balance is a must because people tend to fall due to this morning exercise. Make sure you have wiped away the sleepiness before doing these morning stretches.

Shoulder stretch – stand straight once more and make sure your legs are shoulder length. Now move your right arm in front of your chest using your left inner forearm to pull your right via the elbow. As you can feel, your right shoulder is being stretched properly and you can hold it for a breath or two, and then release. Repeat the morning exercise with the left arm and you can feel your shoulders sigh in relief. This is another simple one among the many more other morning stretches available for you to do each and every morning.

Triceps stretch – again remain standing with legs positioned just below your shoulders. Raise your right arm above your head and allow your forearm to go behind your head, use your left hand and hold on to your right elbow. You can feel a little force on your triceps as you hold this for a few seconds. Once more repeat the morning exercise with the left arm and you’ll feel so much better, especially with this being complemented with other morning stretches.

Triceps stretch to stimulate arm muscles

Triceps stretch is important and should always be included in the warm up and cool down sessions to improve muscle health and avoid injury.

Standing side stretch – stay standing, this morning exercise is guaranteed to wake you up, now lift both hands above your head, grab your right hand with your left and bend at your hips to the left, you will then proceed to lean to the side giving your body a full stretch. Finish and repeat on the other side. Aren’t you feeling even more prepared for the rest of the day? Not yet? Let’s keep doing some more morning stretches so we can get a great big yes for that question!

Hamstring stretch – now that you are probably more awake since you’ve done quite a few morning stretches already, it is safe for you to lie down without falling asleep, probably. If you are confident in not falling back asleep, lie firmly on your back and then move your right foot in front of you, stretching it out as far as you can and as vertical as possible. You may use both hands to grab the back of your knee and hold your leg up. This hamstring morning exercise is particularly great and easy since you do it lying down with no threat of losing balance.

Back stretch – still lying down, while staying awake of course, you are still awake right? If you did all the other morning stretches, for sure you are wide-awake. As I was saying, stay lying down for this morning exercise, and keep your legs straight. Raise your right knee to your chest and hold it there with your two arms. Keep it there for a few breaths and gently return to starting position. Repeat the morning exercise with your other leg and cycle a few times until fully stretched out.

These are just some of the morning stretches that are available to do on a daily basis. You can do a few of them at a time or all of them daily, doesn’t really matter. The more morning stretches you do the better prepared you will be for the rest of the day and the less stress your body will feel from a full night’s rest. Yes I know that sounds weird but it is true. Pair up the morning stretches with a proper and healthy diet, or might I be bold enough to suggest perhaps you might be thinking of becoming a vegan,  then these routines and lifestyle will definitely do wonders to your body!

For more tips and tricks, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Stay healthy!

5 Detox Drinks To Burn Fat, Your Weight Loss Boosters

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Food, Health | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

By now you know of the cleansing and detoxifying ability of water and the many wonders it does for your body, if not I invite you to read up more on my other article: Drinking water benefits. However I am happy to share with you 5 detox drinks that can not only help your body, but will burn fat and will eventually lead to weight loss. Does that not sound amazing to you? If it doesn’t well I’m not sure what will, losing weight by drinking a certain drink is something that just blows my mind and I’m happy to share with you how and why.

The word detox refers to removing harmful items from the body so in essence the drinks below will be able to help your body refresh and remove the unwanted substances, leading to some very wanted weight loss. And I’ll be upfront about it, some of these concoctions not only burn fat but are very delicious, in fact even if they didn’t burn fat, I’d still be drinking them. However not to look a gift horse in the mouth as they say, I’m happy to take on the very beneficial add on of these drinks to burn fat.

Lemon water mix – I am sure someone you know has tried this drink one way or another, it’s fairly simple actually get a nice fresh pitcher of water mix in some lemons and there you go, refreshing and good for you. Lemons have been proven to treat a lot of common illnesses such as asthma, colds and so forth. I personally like to add some lime in for more of a zest, and some mints that help to strengthen the flavor plus with the added benefit of cutting down on the appetite, this will further the capabilities of this drink to burn fat. Now if weight loss is your main goal with this refreshing drink, make sure to drink a glass or two before a meal, maybe about 30 minutes or so, in order to lessen your appetite and allow your body to take in the nutrients, and then enjoy your meal. Repeat the process for each meal in the day and you should see some results that will likely burn fat and end up in weight loss, with the added effect of being delicious, what more do you need?

lemon cucumber mint detox

Lemon water with cucumber and even a little mint leaves is a very common and easy to make detox drink. It’s a great post-workout refreshment!

Cucumber and lemon drink – This spectacular mix of drink results in great weight loss, that will not only burn fat but taste quite spectacular. All you need is some fresh water, lemon and cucumbers. Slice the lemons, personally a thin slice is ideal and then just chuck the seeds, you don’t want to get bothered by picking it out while drinking after all. Do the same with the cucumber and add it all to the water and gently mix it all together. The lemon will bring a nice zest and as mentioned prior, has a lot of vitamins that treats quite a few ailments and has a detoxifying ability on the body. The cucumber is chock-full of dietary fibers, potassium and so much more that you can’t help but feel energized with it. The cooling effect it has on your body is nothing short of a miracle, plus if you add it to each glass you drink before a meal, you have a great snack to eat while enjoying your beverage. Adding the fact that it can burn fat and lead to weight loss, this is a great drink for any day but I love it especially during summer when you need to cool down.

Mango and ginger – Yes the strange sounding combination does in fact burn fat for you. This has been a top contender for some of the best detoxifying drinks in the market today and I love the sweetness that comes from the mango paired with the moderate bite you get from ginger and you have a wonderful weight loss weapon in your arsenal. All you need is a pitcher of water, surprise, surprise, some ginger root and fresh or frozen mangos. Skin the and grate the ginger mix it into the water, then add the mango. I personally enjoy this drink with some ice and a great view of a beach, result: I’m in heaven. Both the ginger and mango help your metabolism, thus it can burn fat pretty well and have the wonderful result of weight loss. Ginger is also a known pain reliever for headaches, sore throats and much more. Mangos on the other hand help boost metabolism, increase memor

Green tea for weight loss

Homemade green tea works wonders for weight loss, and I am referring to organic, and pure ones not those mixed and processed with sugar.

ctions, aids digestion and much more. This wonderful concoction has had quite a few results for a lot of people, so if you want to burn fat and of course, get on the weight loss train, have a few glasses of this daily.

Raspberry and mint mix – While the mint helps you in digestion, the tons of antioxidants you get from the raspberries are just amazing for your entire body. It will cleanse the toxins out of your liver, colon and kidneys, plus the refreshing taste will make sure that you keep coming back for more. You can use frozen or fresh raspberries for this drink and grab some fresh mints, mix it in some water and I suggest a few ice cubes on a hot day and be ready to burn fat and just relax for the rest of the day, while you let this magical little mix of fruits and herbs give you quite a bit of weight loss results.

Green tea – If you’ve read most of my other articles, you must know by now that I am quite a fan of green tea. Not only is a great drink to have after a meal to settle your stomach, the fact that it is full of antioxidants and is perhaps one of the best detoxifying drinks out there, it leads to a weight loss with regular consumption. Green tea assists your body to digest and burn fat as you drink it, plus it works well with pretty much any meal.  The wonderful thing about green tea too, aside from the fact that it can burn fat of course, is that it is readily available in most establishments, much like coffee is, so you will never have any issues looking for it in any restaurant you visit.

These are some of my personal favorite detox drinks to burn fat and get some more weight loss under my belt or actually off my belt.  They work for whatever season and situation, you can mix and match depending on your taste or even research some more. Let’s not forget at how easy they are to make and the additional bonus of them being tasty, makes it easy for you to serve it as a drink to friends and family, even kids! What are you waiting for? Run over to your nearest produces stand or grocery and get what you need, let the drink burn fat for you today!

For more tips and tricks to get healthy, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Stay healthy!

Best Foods For A Protein Diet, Bring More Protein Into Your Lifestyle

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Food, Health | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Tell me if this sounds familiar, you’ve been going to the gym quite a bit for over 2 or 3 months, you’ve been hard at work and a lot of people have begun to notice that you’ve lost quite a bit of weight and you look great. You feel even better about yourself after a great workout and feel like you can go the extra step, what’s next you ask yourself? Sound familiar? Well look no further my friends, I will share with you a great protein diet, well not an exact diet to be truthful but what would be the best foods to include in a protein diet at least, and this will skyrocket the gym results simply by including it into your diet plans.

What is a protein diet anyways? As you can tell, a protein diet increases the amount of protein that one intakes, increasing the muscle building by providing amino acids which is a basic building block of muscles. When one goes to the gym or exercises, you create tiny tears in your muscles and the amino acids are the ones that repair it and improve it, this is a continuous process which eventually gives you a great beach body that you can be proud of. That is why it is essential to include protein in any diet plans you may have.

Green peas – A very essential source of proteins, green peas are one of the easiest vegan items to add into a protein diet. Easily made into a soup or just simply boiled for a few moments and placed on the dish, green peas are ‘easy peasy,‘ yes I said that, to include into any diet plans anyone has.

Quinoa – another great item to add into a protein diet, quinoa is said to sometimes called: “the perfect protein.” As it feels like a grain, but technically is a seed instead, quinoa is a great add on to any diet plans that want to make a protein diet the main source.

Chia seeds – Considered as a super food, this super source of protein is also a great place to get your fiber from. In an ounce of chia seeds, you get a whopping 4.7 grams of protein, now that’s something you can hardly find anywhere else and for a protein diet, this is the stuff dreams are made of. For those who want to really focus on their protein diet this is the source they should focus on, maximum output of protein for little intake. What else could you ask for?

Beans – Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you… um sorry about that, just had to do that. Anyhow beans are a great source of protein and are absolutely easy to add to any protein diet. This magical fruit, can even be bought canned as it isn’t processed so much, all you need to do is wash them and prep them, and there you go, an easy add on to any diet plans.

Chickpea hummus for a protein diet

Experiment with different ingredients rich in protein like this chickpea hummus for a tasty protein diet.

Legumes – Particularly chickpeas in my opinion, these are some great protein source for everyone and can be made into a lot of meals, I would particularly like to make a special mention to hummus, which is delicious and wonderful for any protein diet. Can I just say that hummus also goes well with a ton of vegetables, not only making a delicious meal, it is in fact quite good for you.

Tempeh and tofu – While there are people who have a soy allergy, for those without it, tempeh and tofu are a great add on for your protein diet. Perhaps some of the most transformable protein sources on the list, these delicious duos are a good plus for any diet plans.

Hemp – No not marijuana, it is part of the cannabis plant but it won’t affect you in anyway aside from you saying it’s delicious. As a protein diet option, this plant can be added to your drink, dishes and much more, the versatility of hemp is only challenged by your imagination. An awesome add on to your diet plans, regardless if you are trying to go on a protein diet or not.

Lean Meats – This is a fairly simple part of any protein diet and if you aren’t vegan, there are multiple sources of protein such as chicken, beef and so on. However it would be wise to keep it to the lean cuts so the body can process it faster, and since you are trying to lose weight I don’t think you’ll want any of that additional work for your body. Stick to lean meats for your diet plans and this shouldn’t be a problem at all for most people.

Protein powders – There are a lot of options for this, even vegan protein powders are now an option, which is greatly catching up with traditional protein powders, these are a great source to add into a protein diet. The most traditional consumption is mixed with water and you drink it an hour before or after you work out, and you are ready to go. It’s a simple add on to any protein diet and can be added to anyone’s diet plans as simple as going to a store and purchasing a container. For more on this, read up on my other article: Know more about vegan protein powder.

Nuts – Let’s face it, nuts are an awesome source of vitamins and proteins, however since they are just so easy to eat, you can tend to overeat and the calories in nuts are no joke. However this is a great thing to munch on when it’s not lunch or dinner time, but just make sure you only have a handful and if you are able to do that, you will be sure to have a great add on to your protein diet.

Snack on nuts for a protein diet

Nuts are rich in protein. With moderate intake, it’s a surefire handy protein booster with a lot of variations too!

Seitan – If you are vegan and are into the whole meat substitute while still focusing on a protein diet, then seitan is what you are looking for. With even more protein than tofu, seitan is awesome as a source of protein and should be added into any protein diet plans. While remaining faithful to your vegan needs, seitan will be able to meet any protein requirements for your diet plans you have in mind.

Green veggies – The list wouldn’t be complete without a batch of tasty vegetables that go with just about anything. Admittedly they might not be the top source of protein among all of the others that are ideal for the protein diet, but it shouldn’t be discounted altogether. And I’ll have to say that we shouldn’t forget how completely multipurpose green vegetables are for any diet plans. The additional vitamins alone in most green vegetables are a great cause to include them in your protein diet if not only for the proteins they come with.

These amazing sources of protein are unparalleled as part of the protein diet, you can mix and match what you need to make sure you never get bored with the types of food. Pair it up with an mind-blowing workout routine and you are sure to lose a ton of weight while toning yourself up.

For more tips and tricks to get healthy, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Stay healthy!

How To Lose Thigh Fat, Getting Ready For That Beach Body

Posted on by Lillian Lewis / Posted in Fitness | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Thigh fat, just the words makes many people tremble at the mere mention but do not fear, there are ways to solve that rather daunting problem. Do not think that this is an impossible hurdle to overcome and that there are just too many obstacles to beat this problem, I can guarantee you there is a way. And I am happy to share with you an article on how to lose thigh fat.

It is time to pick up those running shoes. Ladies and the gentlemen that want to also lose thigh fat, there is no way around it, you need to pick up the cardio and bring down your overall body fat percentage and the effects will eventually reach your thighs. A simple way as to lose thigh fat, this is a must do for those who want a pair of smaller things ready for the beach body contest.

Inclines are your best friend. Whether you are on the tread, the bike or on the road, when you hit an incline hit it hard. This will increase your heart rate and make sure you burn more calories, and the incline will focus a lot on your thighs, making this the ideal workout to lose thigh fat. The added value of burning more calories is a great thing too for those who want to achieve a beach body sooner rather than later.

Workout to burn that thigh fat

Knowing the proper workout is key to burn that unwanted thigh fat, fast.

Time to put that soda down. Let’s avoid overly sweet drinks, as a lot of calories and sugar can sneak into your diet that way and if you want to lose thigh fat, this is a very important must do. Diet sodas, overly sweet juice drinks that come from unnatural sources; these are your enemies in order to achieve your ideal beach body! Persevere and find other alternatives to your usual soda during a meal, maybe a nice glass of water or green tea in fact, the latter provides a lot of antioxidants that would be a lot of help if you want to lose thigh fat.

Drink water. Water like I mentioned prior is now your favorite drink in the world. The cleansing and detoxifying ability of water is something you will need if you want to lose thigh weight. Not only will you be saving yourself from unwanted calories from the juices that you miss out on, you will also get the many benefits of maximizing your bodily functions since it needs water to function properly. For more on the positive effects on water, try reading my other article: Drinking Water Benefits.

Snacking, yes snacking will help you lose weight. This is not crazy town, don’t worry, you are still reading the how to lose thigh fat, and yes you read correctly, snack. Don’t think I am giving you a go signal to open a bag of chips and a can of beer here. I’m talking about something healthy, maybe an apple or even better nuts. Be weary however you need to keep snacking as light as possible and the goal is to keep yourself a little full so you don’t over eat when you have your main meal. Eat small meals, lose thigh fat and get that beach body.

Do not skip breakfast! Yes the cliché that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is enforced here if you want to lose thigh fat. The first meal of the deal will pretty much wake up your metabolism and tell it, hey it’s time to work. So the sooner you can wake up your metabolism, the closer you will be to your ideal beach body. Plan out your breakfast and avoid overly sweet breakfast or even fatty foods. If you are going to workout after breakfast, I hope not immediately mind you, get some carbs for energy but don’t overdo it and don’t forget the protein. This is a great way to lose thigh fat by making sure you eat a balanced breakfast.

Get enough sleep

Get enough and proper sleep to get your body in the right condition as you journey on towards that beach body

Sleep, oh so wonderful sleep. Get a full night’s sleep, there are no but’s, if’s or whatever else for this requirement to lose thigh fat. You need to rest properly as this has been proven in studies that lead to weight loss. Allow your body the time it needs to rest so that you don’t get sleepy in the middle of the day, as sleep-deprived people tend to snack more and usually they don’t make good decisions for their beach body targets when they snack with rather undesirable meals.

Research the perfect exercise. There are a ton of exercises that targets the thighs, such as lunges and such. Go online or discuss with a trainer in your local gym, there are a lot, I kid you not, a lot of workouts that target the thighs. You can easily find a workout routine that best agrees with your body and you will lose thigh fat faster than you can imagine. Make it a daily regiment if possible, if not at least every other day to make sure that you are getting enough of a workout and you achieve your ideal beach body.

Count the calories. Yes this is a little tough and requires a calculator, at least for most of us. This is hard as you will have to check pretty much the calorie count of each type of food you consume and make sure you get the mean average of your daily intake, meaning you get the average amount of calories you get per week and then reduce the amount of calories you take in the succeeding week. This will slowly but surely make you lose thigh fat, by simply cutting your calorie intake lower by 200-500 calories per day, you are sure to make a lot of headway towards your beach body.

Start clean eating. If calorie counting is too much for you to consider, that’s not a problem, there are other options that can be done. In fact if you start eating more vegetables and avoid processed foods, this could lead to not only a lot of weight loss but a cleansing of the body. This will definitely achieve your goal to lose thigh fat as your overall body will shrink down considering you remove the processed foods from your diet and start eating healthy. Can I interest you in turning vegan perhaps? Personally that is a great way to start clean eating in my opinion. However if clean eating is your thing, you can check out Clean Eating: The How-To Guide On Making It Easier And More Delicious For You.

Consider your family tree. While it is possible for you to lose thigh fat, if your family is pretty much pear shaped, it might be a little difficult to go against genetics. For that you should just enjoy your body for what it is and reduce a little thigh fat here and there but be happy that you have a great pear shaped body.

In the end enjoy your journey to lose thigh fat and if genetics are a challenge, it doesn’t matter, keep at it and there should be some noticeable difference in the long run. Have fun with your body and enjoy the journey to become healthy.

For more tips and tricks to get healthy, please visit my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Stay healthy!