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The Best Wines For Your Waistline

The Best Wines For Your Waistline

My dear friends, if you are anything like me you enjoy a glass of wine every now and again, however drinking your calories is a good way to really let your waistline go as most of us have learned over the years. That should be a head’s in itself to watch your waistline and keep your wine drinking to a minimum or casual, however I’m happy to share with you some tips to the best wines for your waistline, after all a happy tummy is a happy you.

Check the alcohol by volume – While there is no nutritional value in most bottles of wine, actually I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one in any bottles but oh well, the alcohol by volume or the ABV tells you how much percent alcohol is in wine. The higher the alcohol by volume, the higher the potential content of calories in it which will pretty much go to your waistline, so the lower the better if you are watching your weight.

European wine is the way to go – Given the tip above, European wine usually has stricter regulations, meaning lower alcohol by volume, which in turn leads to less calories for your waistline. Unlike US brands or other countries, European wine has quite a hold and rather strict regulations regarding the produce of their bottles, so that makes it a good win for you.

white wine

White wine is a good choice and even better when shared with friends.

White will make it right – Another simple tip to drinking wine is to drink white, as once more they tend to have less alcohol by volume and again that means less calories for the waistline. Of course on occasion red wine is alright but again it’s all about control and moderation, but if at all possible go with white wine to save your waistline the unwanted gains.

Avoid champagne – As fun as champagne is and how great it is for special occasions, if you want to keep your waistline in check, then keep the champagne as such special occasions indeed. The sugar content within a bottle of champagne is quite significant as opposed to regular wine, that is just unwanted sugar consumption, calories and much more. Stick with regular white if you want something special for the night but feel free to splurge every so often, after all every so often is alright just don’t go crazy here.

Spritzers are a viable option – I’m not saying to do this with really good, expensive wine, that would be atrocious and an insult to the makers, even if it does help your waistline. However if you are just looking for something a little special in the evening after a long day of work, make that white wine a spritzer and you’ll not only cut down the calories, you’ll enjoy the drink and still keep your stomach in reasonable proportions. That’s a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.


Opting for spritzers won’t hurt either.

Share that bottle – When in doubt about the calories and your waistline, call in the cavalry. Enjoy the bottle with friends, a glass of wine goes a long way with good friends but if you drink a whole bottle alone, well you really get the blunt of the calories, sharing you can almost split the calories in half. Plus you get to enjoy a nice evening with your friends or family, which makes it a ton more fun.

And there we have some pretty great tips to cut down with the calories of a bottle of wine, making sure that while you enjoy your night, your waistline won’t wake up to regret it. Stay healthy!