10 Healthy Juices To Help You Lose Weight

There are so many ways to lose weight out there, there is the conventional diet, a rigorous workout plan dedicated to weight loss or even a mix of both, either way it is quite apparent that weight loss is something everyone desires, from vegan, to vegetarian to people with regular diets. I am happy to share with you that now, after some research there are juices that will help you along with your weight loss gains and as you will see in a few moments all of them are vegan friendly too. So if weight loss is your desire, keep reading my friends.
Why juice anyhow? First off it makes it easier to consume our much-needed vegetables and fruits, which a lot of us have a hard time doing, even for vegan people mind you. There are just so many vitamins everyone needs on a daily basis, it becomes a little overwhelming if you think about it. Secondly, juicing helps your weight loss plans as it boosts your metabolism. By breaking down the fruits and vegetables to a juice like product, the body can easily absorb and take in the nutrients. Finally, juicing is just convenient and freaking delicious when you’ve found the combination of fruits, vegetables that just works for you. There are just so many combinations, that’s also part of the fun of juicing.
Kale – This wonderful energy booster is a great add on for pretty much any juice concoction you may come up for weight loss, plus given that it is vegan friendly, this clean eating add on can work for pretty much anyone’s diet. Stick it in a juicer and press that button, kale can work on its own or be easily mixed with other juice components.

Make a power juice with a combination of spinach, celery, cucumber and apple !
Celery – By now you should have heard that celery is a great food for weight loss, and why should it be any different for juices? It shouldn’t! This wonderful vegan vegetable can be mixed in the juice or used as a garnish, which people can happily munch on while drinking the juice, a definite must for weight loss goals.
Cucumber – Looking for a natural diuretic? Then look no further than cucumber juice for your weight loss needs. Pretty much any diet that has a goal of weight loss has cucumber in it, so it would just be silly not to include it in your juice with the very same goal. Cucumber juice is a great arsenal for your weight loss plans and again is very vegan friendly. The fact that cucumber is chock-full of water makes it easier to consume and it is naturally refreshing in both its original form or in juice form.
Watermelon – I’m sure you are as surprised as I am to find this delicious fruit in the list. Considering the amino acids in a watermelon, it really helps reduce soreness so this will help you post workout, after a grueling run on the treadmill or on the open road, drink a full glass of watermelon juice to assist you sooth your aching muscles.
Coconut water – When you make the juice, make absolutely sure that you use coconut water, not coconut milk to make your juice, as the milk is completely different from the coconut water. Coconut water is a natural diuretic and here is the wonderful benefit for you, it also increases your metabolic rate. I don’t have to go deeper into the how this will assist with your weight loss, but for sure you will want to have this in your repertoire of weapons against gaining weight.
Spinach – There is a reason why Popeye always had this stuff handy, aside from the fact that it is delicious, as pretty much any vegan will be happy to share with you, spinach has so many wonderful benefits. Making it into a juice really brings out the vitamins from spinach, additionally it will help you clean out your system of any unwanted chemicals or imbalances, this in turn will of course help you with weight loss. Make sure to have a lot of spinach in your diet, you’ll be happy that you took the time to juice this vegetable.
Carrot – Carrots regulate your blood sugar, which will pretty much handle your strange hunger pangs in the middle of the day. With regulated sugar you won’t go reaching for certain snacks at odd hours of the day, which will in turn help you with your weight loss plans. Again another vegan favorite, perhaps not in juice form but it really is quite a wonderful vegetable for any need aside from weight loss, make sure to include it into your diet and even in your juice diet.
Ginger – This spicy little add on, can’t really work by itself as the taste is quite potent shall we say? However adding ginger to other juices works quite well, aside from spiking up the taste of any juice it mixes with, it adds on a ton of potassium, which can assist you to build muscles while helping you break down carbohydrates. Pretty awesome and if you like a little zing in your drink, this is something you most definitely want to add on to any juice. As a vegan, I normally like to add this to stir fried vegetable or my tea, I’ve never tried it in juice form, I’ll admit but I can’t argue with the logic.

Get your energy boost with beetroot juice.
Beetroot – A great add on to any juice, beetroot is a wonderful energy booster, which will allow you to workout even more, leading to the ideal end of weight loss. Again another vegan friendly vegetable that can work with other veggies and fruits in any juice form, it has a pretty base flavor and can easily mix with others. Just be careful as it stains quite thoroughly so it is ideal to tread lightly when using and making it.
Bell pepper – Alright, alright, I realize this is a strange thing to juice or to add but hey every now and then you have to push the envelope! The spiciness in the bell pepper isn’t the only thing you will add to your quite possible vegan appropriate juice, it will add some much needed capsaicin. This chemical will increase the body’s natural temperature and increase your metabolic rate, thus leading to your goal of weight loss. Daily consumption of capsaicin will definitely lead to noticeable weight loss in rather short spans of time.
There you have it, 10 juices that will definitely help you with weight loss and quite frankly they are very delicious. All of the said items above will work with the vegan diet and pretty much anyone’s diet if you think about it. So the only matter is mixing and matching your favorite ones, of course a different drink a day is ideal to make sure that it is always fresh and exciting. Don’t forget to add some lemon water in the diet, as it also helps you with weight loss and is ideal in any situation. Stay healthy!